Archive for 2011

MORE ON THAT ATF GUNRUNNING SCANDAL: Will the Justice Department be held to account for arming lethal Mexican cartels? “To date, the ATF operation, which encouraged gun shops in the American southwest to sell weapons to suspected criminals and let them carry the weapons across the border, has resulted in an estimated 150 Mexican law enforcement officers and soldiers shot with ATF-supplied weapons.”


AFTER THE FALL OF THE PHARAOH: Michael Totten On Egypt. If you like his work, hit his tipjar so he can go back! I just did.

THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN, we’d be bogged down in unpopular, undeclared foreign wars. And they were right! “A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 26% of Likely U.S. Voters feel the United States should continue its military actions in Libya. Forty-two percent (42%) are opposed and 32% are undecided.”

Hey, hey, Barack Hussein — how many kids did you kill today? Well, no. We won’t hear that unless they bring back the draft.

THE TENNESSEE LAW REVIEW has a forthcoming symposium issue on a federal constitutional convention, with contributions by all sorts of people ranging from Richard Epstein to David Lat. Here’s my Foreword, which addresses a number of proposals for reining in federal power, ranging from creating a third house of Congress with the sole function of repealing federal statutes, to more familiar proposals like a balanced budget amendment or term limits. Download it early and often! (Bumped).

BJORN LOMBORG on how to save the planet. Personally, I think nanotechnology is the solution. . . .

THOUGHTS ON TONIGHT’S DEBATE from Ira Stoll. “What was really remarkable was the consensus — not a single one of the seven candidates on stage supported the TARP that George W. Bush proposed and Senator McCain suspended his campaign to get passed in the last presidential election cycle.” I wish Gary Johnson had been included.

POLITICO: Obama Fundraiser Underwhelms. “Granted, it was a fundraiser, not a free rally. But the empty seats were hard to miss.”

THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED REPUBLICAN, PRIVACY WOULD BE DEAD — AND THEY WERE RIGHT! F.B.I. Agents Get Leeway to Push Privacy Bounds. “The Federal Bureau of Investigation is giving significant new powers to its roughly 14,000 agents, allowing them more leeway to search databases, go through household trash or use surveillance teams to scrutinize the lives of people who have attracted their attention.” Hope and change!

Alternate formulation: “They told Glenn that if he voted for McCain we’d have the FBI sifting through our data bases and our trash – and they were right!”

ONE OF MANY: Obama’s Undeclared War. “No President since Jimmy Carter has enacted programs that were so job destroying.” And I repeat: Jimmy Carter is a best-case scenario.

TOO MUCH ESTROGEN IN THE ROOM? There’s been a lot of men-are-pigs talk about the Schwarzenegger and Weiner scandals, but it’s worth noting that in both women were willing participants in wrongdoing. In Schwarzenegger’s case, the woman was cheating on her own spouse, and deceiving him into believing that someone else’s child was his. In Weiner’s plenty of women were carrying on with a man they knew to be married. Not much real grist for the female-superiority mill there, really.

Meanwhile, the claim that increased diversity creates better government isn’t really very strong either. We’ve had more diverse government over the last few decades, but it’s hard to seriously argue that the quality of decisionmaking has improved. . . .

STILL WAITING FOR THAT PROMISED “green jobs” explosion. “As Politico reports, the Obama administration is having to fall back on ‘saved and created’ language to describe its big investment in the green-collar field.”