Archive for 2011
July 6, 2011
FASTER, PLEASE: Biomarkers in feces could replace colonoscopies.
RUTH WEDGWOOD ON Srebrenica And American Exceptionalism. “L’ONU? C’est quel tribu?”
MORE ON THE MEDIA’S SOFT-PEDALING OF lefty protest violence.
JONAH GOLDBERG: “That’s Racist!” — The Accusation Becomes A Punchline. And that’s progress.
MORE ON THAT Atlanta Schools Cheating Scandal. “Following on reports of other cheating scandals in states nationwide, the scope and depth of the Atlanta cheating scandal has rocked the nation’s educational community. It has renewed questions about the extent to which America’s focus on high-stakes testing is causing educators to breach basic ethics to get ahead or even keep their jobs.”
PROTEIN IN SPINAL FLUID appears to predict Alzheimer’s.
RON PAUL TO INTRODUCE the American Traveler Dignity Act.
ADVICE to a young blogger.
STILL MORE ON THAT ATF GUN-SMUGGLING OPERATION: Email Confirms ‘Gunwalker’ Known Throughout Justice Department: Attorney General Holder’s credibility takes another hit.
DAILY CALLER: White House Uses Twitter To Bully Critics. Sounds more like the White House is being successfully trolled: “Of the 267 tweets written by Lee in just over a month, a stunning 40 of them have been directed at Kevin Eder, a prolific Twitter user with more than 83,000 tweets to his credit. That means 15 percent of Lee’s tweets — from an official White House account no less — have been with Eder.”
DAN MITCHELL: I’m Willing to Go Along with President Obama’s “Balanced Approach” to Deficit Reduction, but Only if We Use Honest Math. “So what would a balanced approach look like, assuming we want to use honest math? The answer isn’t that complicated.”
AT AMAZON, markdowns on automotive products and accessories.
SONJA SCHMIDT DINES at the Jackass Cafe. “The food is expensive but almost completely subsidized.”
MORE ON TALK OF Southern California secession.
FASTER, PLEASE: Stroke prevention and recovery with nanotube-delivered siRNA.
WANT NEW SOURCES OF REVENUE? If I were a Republican member of Congress, I’d be proposing big excise taxes on movie tickets, DVDs, CDs, digitial movie and music downloads, etc. Then let Hollywood scream about how the tax increase would destroy American jobs. . . .
A fancier approach would require knowledgeable accounting advice, but would target the various bits of favorable treatment those industries get in terms of deductions, but that’s hardly necessary.
UPDATE: Don’t miss this plan for eliminating Hollywood tax loopholes, either. Hey, some people have made enough money. Shared sacrifice!
A CIVIL RIGHTS VICTORY in Chicago. “It cuffs the district court, tells it had better issue an injunction against the new Chicago ordinance (and dictates what the injunction should contain), treats standard of review in terms very, very favorable to anyone making a right to arms challenge, rebuffs the City’s attempt to moot the case by changing the ordinance, rules broadly on standing to sue, and does a few other things along the way.”
THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN, we’d be keeping troops in Iraq indefinitely. And they were right!
Guess I should have voted for that Barack Obama fellow, who promised to have them all out by 2011.
L.E.D. BULBS WILL NOT WIPE OUT FLUORESCENT LIGHTING? I’ve got 4 LED bulbs. One — a Scientific Lighting indoor flood in the basement hallway — has worked well for a couple of years now. I just replaced another, a Sylvania promising 8 years of life, after about 6 months. Another is in my study and still works, but flickers occasionally. The fourth, in a hard-to-change fixture in my bathroom, is doing fine after about a year and I hope it lasts. Overall, though, I’m not sure the longevity promises here are going to turn out much better than the ones for compact fluorescent bulbs.
BEN SMITH: Even The Union Goons Are Unhappy With The Obama Economy. “A sign of Obama’s struggle to satisfy much of anyone that he has a jobs strategy: The AFL-CIO’s question for his Twitter town hall is identical to the subject line of an email I got around the same time from the RNC.”
UPDATE: Compare and contrast: The Ongoing German Recovery. “That is a funny result for a country committed to a near-balanced budget by 2016 and it shows the continuing importance of real factors for economic recovery.”
MORE: “Obama made the economy worse:” A meme with legs. Well, sometimes, you know obvious truth can be a source of “legs.”