Archive for June, 2011

UTAH COURT MISSES CHANCE to be a leader in Third Amendment jurisprudence. I always tell my students that the Third Amendment is the only part of the Bill Of Rights that really works, because you almost never hear of troop-quartering issues. . . .


OBAMA’S PRESS CONFERENCE: TONY KATZ COMMENTS. With Stephen Kruiser, Ed Morrissey and Noel Sheppard. Plus this: “Did you know Obama was for tax breaks on corporate jets before he was against them?”

UPDATE: More on Obama’s private-jet flipflop.

WHAT’S GOING ON with Greece’s austerity budget. “Papandreou is passing these cuts because these cuts are what is necessary to get external institutions, like the EU and the IMF, to keep funding his primary deficit. If he refused, the financing would dry up, and Greece would be forced to make even deeper cuts. They would also have to try to raise more revenue with higher taxes, but this is very difficult in Greece, where compliance is low and the officials in charge of collecting your taxes are generally quite corrupt.” Well, when the officials in charge of tax-collection are perceived as corrupt, compliance tends to be low. That’s a lesson that applies everywhere.


ANN ALTHOUSE: Isthmus columnist Emily Mills slimes me over the Wisconsin Supreme Court ‘chokegate’ story…… without taking the trouble to link to or quote anything I said. Or should I say without daring to link to or quote anything I said?”

Plus this: “Emily Mills’ dishonest assertions about me seem to reflect her desperation, her need to believe what she wants to believe, her reflex to plug her ears and go la la la la la. I mean, look at what I actually said.”

The traditional ruling class in Wisconsin is seeing it all fall apart, and they’re coming apart with it. The result is not pretty, but it is instructive.

WELL, THEY’RE NOT STUPID: Obama losing grip on Jewish voters, donors? “Republicans probably won’t make significant inroads with these voters, and exit polls in 2012 will likely show similar breakdowns as 2008. The difference will be fewer voters coming to the polls to support Obama as others sit on their hands … and their cash.”