Archive for January, 2011


PROFESSOR BAINBRIDGE is not enthused with the Republican field. Well, based on the past two years I’d vote for a syphilitic camel if he ran against Obama. But I’d rather not have to. But remember, it’s early yet — at this point in the previous cycle, it looked like it was going to be Hillary vs. Rudy. And Barack Obama was just a nice young man who’d given a speech at the convention.

UPDATE: DaTechGuy reminds us of what we don’t know about 2012.


DON SURBER: Don’t Over-Intellectualize the Palin Hatred:

On the day John McCain selected her as his running mate, great panic hit liberals.

Who is she, they wondered? . . . Judging from the leaked JournO-list messages from the time (that being a forum of third-rate journalists, PR people and college students) the liberals scrambled to find a way to attack this “unknown” person in order to protect Obama.

All the intellectual pretension came later, tinsel on a Christmas tree that was slapped together and put up in a hurry.

That it has lasted is only because liberals are good at this. . . . This is not to say that Sarah Palin does not deserve criticism. But what makes “Palinoia” an obsession instead of an intellectual pursuit is that it is based on the panic and desperation of August 29, 2008, when John McCain put her on the ticket.

The pseudo-intellectual arguments to rationalize that hate came later.

Read the whole thing.

AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE, new rules on civility? Maybe they can get Steve Cohen to put in an earmark . . . .

Personally, I think we’ve got bigger problems.

WHAT THE WORLD WAS WAITING FOR: Steampunk Sarah Palin Comics: “Yes, Obama blew up in the explosion too, and is now part machine and called ‘Robama.’ By the way, the guy talking to him is John McCain and he has a robot arm. Anyway, they network a bunch of robots that can be controlled by Palin’s robot body and they all go off to save the world from the evil oil/nuke organization. And of course the Russians, who, as Robama informs us, have assembled a force along their border with Alaska. . . . Although to be fair to the book, Steampunk Palin defies classification into any literary genre, unless there’s a genre I’m unaware of simply called ‘WTF?!?'”

SHANNON LOVE: How many real “rubes” were there? “Did Obama and other major leftists ever truly think that Bush’s policies were unnecessary or did they just adopt a position of opposition to differentiate themselves in the political marketplace? Did any of these people oppose Bush’s policies on principle after careful study or did they just see hysterical criticism of Bush as a useful political tool they could use for selfish purposes?” Well, I’ve got my own theories on that.


There’s nothing unusual about this. Many civil rights activists—including those who publicly engaged in non-violent forms of resistance—kept guns for self-defense. T.R.M. Howard, the Mississippi doctor and mutual aid leader who founded the pioneering Regional Council of Negro Leadership, slept with a Thompson submachine gun at the foot of his bed. During the murder trial that followed the horrific lynching of 14-year-old Emmett Till, Howard escorted Till’s grieving mother and various others to and from the courthouse in a heavily-armed caravan.

Similarly, John R. Salter, one of the organizers of the famous 1963 sit-ins against segregated lunch counters in Jackson, Mississippi, said he always “traveled armed” while working as a civil rights organizer in the South. “I’m alive today because of the Second Amendment and the natural right to keep and bear arms,” Salter said.

Around ten years ago, maybe a bit longer, my law school had a program where ex-Black Panther Kathleen Cleaver (with whom I went to law school) came to speak. It was heavily attended by Knoxville civil-rights veterans, and I think some of my colleagues were surprised when an elderly black preacher launched into a defense of the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms. I wasn’t, though.

THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN WE’D JUST BE BOMBING VILLAGES IN AFGHANISTAN — AND THEY WERE RIGHT! 25 Tons of Bombs Wipe Afghan Town Off Map. “An American-led military unit pulverized an Afghan village in Kandahar’s Arghandab River Valley in October, after it became overrun with Taliban insurgents.”

Ah, remember the fierce moral urgency of change? Me neither.

MORE BLOOD ON HER HANDS THAN SARAH PALIN: “The Governors Highway Safety Association says pedestrian deaths increased in the first half of 2010 and the First Lady’s program to get Americans to be more active could be partly responsible.”

Megan McArdle is skeptical, as she should be. More from Ed Morrissey.

PROGRESS WITH FLYING CARS. I don’t want an airplane with a steering wheel, though. I want a Jetsons style flying car.