Archive for 2010


GLENN DERENE GOES hands-on with the Apple iPad. “For the most part, the thing works like a really big, and far faster, iPod Touch. Which may sound a bit anticlimactic given the hopes for this thing, but it’s really more important than you might think. The larger screen makes all sorts of things that seemed like compromises before—reading, movie watching and, frankly, Web browsing—into rich, rewarding experiences.” But no Flash support, which a lot of people are unhappy about.

NO SAFE SEATS: Wisconsin Senate: Thompson 47%, Feingold 43%. “One more Democratic senator who has long been regarded as a safe prospect for reelection may be facing a challenging year in 2010. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters in Wisconsin finds Republican Tommy Thompson edging incumbent Russ Feingold 47% to 43% in a hypothetical U.S. Senate match-up.”

POLITICO: Backlash on White House Backroom Deals. “A top House committee responded to the mounting voter backlash against backroom deals on health reform by seeking more information Wednesday about White House negotiations with industry groups.”

DON SURBER: Justice Alito’s You Lie Moment. “The mouthing of words was one of the few newsworthy moments in a speech that dragged on for more than an hour as Obama grasped at any and all straws in a desperate attempt to salvage his presidency. He failed. He has become an uninspiring speaker who has used up all his magic. Quantity cannot make up for quality.”

UPDATE: Photo of the Day.

OBAMA VISITS TAMPA TODAY, and the Tampa Tea Party folks will be there.

KENNETH ANDERSON ON THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION’S POLICY OF Targeted Killing Aimed at a US Citizen Abroad. They told me that if I voted for McCain we’d see “extrajudicial murder” as U.S. policy — and they were right!

LINDA GREENHOUSE: Alito was right, Obama was wrong. When you’ve lost Linda Greenhouse . . . .

UPDATE: Tunku Varadarajan says that hectoring the Supreme Court was wrong, but has some positive things to say about other parts of the speech. Meanwhile, Pejman Yousefzadeh writes: “It is difficult to catalog just how many contradictions there were in the President’s State of the Union address. A President calling for bipartisanship and an end to the permanent campaign gave a speech that was–in tone and in substance–a campaign speech. A President calling for unity gave a speech that practically cried out ‘all the bad stuff that happened was George W. Bush’s fault!’. A President calling for a renewal of national purpose spent large amounts of time playing class warfare games, and seeking to turn Americans against Wall Street.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Ann Althouse: “One expects such rigid decorum from the Justices on these occasions that it’s really striking when a Justice is anything other than a statue of a Justice. I think that if they knew they were going to have to listen to that kind of in-your-face disrespect, they wouldn’t have done the President the honor of sitting there, providing the scenery. But they were there, and I’m not going to criticize Alito for moving his lips and letting us see a silent defense of the judicial branch of government.”

It’ll be interesting to see if they show up next year. And whether Alito does, or doesn’t, this whole story will come up again, stepping on Obama’s delivery a second time.

MORE: Orin Kerr: “I tend to think the episode shows the wisdom of Justice Harlan’s view that the Justices shouldn’t attend the State of the Union address at all. It will be interesting to see how many Justices attend next year. (As I re-watch the clip, I image a collective bubble over the Justices at about the 25-second mark, representing their thoughts, with the text, ‘We are so not coming to this next year.’)”

Plus, more thoughts from Ira Stoll.

HEH: Obama: You Liked My Speech? Please Send Money! “About an hour after the end of his State of the Union address, in which he called for an end to the partisan conflict that has plagued his first year in office, President Obama sent out a political fundraising appeal through his permanent campaign organization, Organizing for America.”