Archive for 2010


BUSH’S THIRD TERM? Side-by-Side Comparison of Bush and Obama SOTU Quotes. Heh. So much for the fierce urgency of change. Of course, he mostly emulates the Bush stuff I didn’t like, while failing to deliver on the things I hoped for from the Obama administration. Sigh.

But maybe that explains this headline from the Washington Post: After Obama speech, Democrats confused about path ahead. Maybe somebody just loaded the wrong script into the teleprompter . . . .

JAMES O’KEEFE: “The government has now confirmed what has always been clear: No one tried to wiretap or bug Senator Landrieu’s office. Nor did we try to cut or shut down her phone lines. Reports to this effect over the past 48 hours are inaccurate and false.” Yeah, the story’s not totally gone, but it has completely failed to live up to the hopeful — and subsequently retracted — hype from a lot of Big Media outfits that took ages to cover O’Keefe’s ACORN story, but something akin to a Planck Interval to jump on to an embarrassing story about O’Keefe.

WELCOME, Lech Walesa. He looks good!

UPDATE: A reader emails: “I’ll see your Nobel Peace Prize winner, and raise you one of my own. And Walesa, he’s a winner from when the Prize actually meant something!”

OBAMA WAS IN TAMPA YESTERDAY, and the Tampa Tea Party turned out. More pics and a full report, later.


JON STEWART RIPS CHRIS MATTHEWS on the “I forgot Obama was black” bit. “Stewart seems to have cornered the market on ridiculing the Left in the American comedy world, mainly by default. Of course, Matthews makes himself an easy target — so easy, in fact, that many people on the Left seemed reluctant to come to his defense yesterday. If they’re tiring of Matthews’ schtick, MS-NBC may be left with nothing but Jesse Ventura fans … all three of them.”

BYRON YORK: Has Obama Become Bored with Being President? “Many observers have remarked that, even when dealing with the most momentous issues facing the country, Obama has seemed oddly removed from the hands-on work of making policy. Maybe they’re noticing the same thing Harry Reid did. The president’s dissatisfaction is shining through; perhaps he’s not really cut out for — or up to — the job.” Well, let’s face it — being President is a step down from being a law professor, so dissatisfaction is a natural response. . . .

THE SITCOM PRESIDENCY? It’s not that funny.


I’m sorry, I’m having a really hard time getting worked up about Alito’s “breach of protocol”. It’s totally true that justices usually sit there like a stone. On the other hand, president’s don’t usually call out said justices for being too wrapped up in that dumb first amendment–much less call them out with statements that seem to be unequivocally false.

Using the state of the union as an opportunity to call out supreme court justices, who you expect will have to sit there impassively while you rake them over the coals is, well, kind of a jerk move.

And, unfortunately, very much in character, it seems.

PHIL BOWERMASTER: Why We’re So Positive. Even in a recession, some companies do well.

GDP UP: This is good news, if the numbers hold up.

UPDATE: On the other hand: Wages and benefits rise in 2009 by smallest amount on records going back 27 years. They told me that if I voted for McCain, business would be golden while the working man took it in the neck. And they were right!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Oops, it’s not even that good. “However, almost two-thirds of it came from a slowdown in liquidation of inventories, leaving an anemic 2.2% of actual growth.”