Archive for 2010

SPACE: Virgin spaceship gets new runway. “The world’s first commercial passenger spaceship moved a step closer to deployment Friday as tycoon Richard Branson unveiled a new runway at a remote New Mexico spaceport.”

FASTER, PLEASE: Study finds hope for new drugs that fight flu. “New images of the influenza A virus, whose strains cause the seasonal flu and the H1N1 “swine” flu, have revealed its Achilles’ heel, researchers say, and the finding could lead to a targeted drug that can fight all strains of the virus. The weakness stems from a basic structure in all flu viruses, called the M2 channel, which is key in helping the virus reproduce.”

DON’T GET COCKY. “The high-fiving and celebrating has been going on in conservative circles since early summer, at least. But there’s only one thing – they’re still planning to hold an election on November 2; some states have begun already.”


PHILIP K. HOWARD: Where is honor in America? At the end of a long campaign designed to make even talk of honor sound kind of old-fashioned and weird.

TIP OF THE ICEBERG? SEIU Offshoot Mi Familia Vota Caught With 6,000 Bogus Colorado Voter Registrations.

Then there’s Arizona.

UPDATE: Reader Bart Hall writes: “Glenn, Republicans quite simply don’t do this stuff, ever. Not even for dog-catcher in East Gopher Gulch, Nebraska. The ‘elephant’ is quite simply that voter fraud is entirely coming from one party, and it’s been that way at least since 1960 that I can remember personally. They must be terribly insecure people.” Well, Republicans used to do this, back when there were Republican big-city machines. But those don’t exist any more.

BREAST AUGMENTATION via stem cell injections. “The objections surrounding the use of embryonic stem cells in organ and tissue reconstruction could be silenced if clinical trials for a new strain of stem cells derived from liposuctioned fat get a nod of approval from the FDA. And if they do, their first order of business will probably be growing bigger breasts.”

WASHINGTON POST: Deep Divisions At Justice Over Black Panther Case. “Interviews and government documents reviewed by The Washington Post show that the case tapped into deep divisions within the Justice Department that persist today over whether the agency should focus on protecting historically oppressed minorities or enforce laws without regard to race.” Funny they published this story at 3:30 on a Friday . . . .