Archive for 2010

A LOOK AT THE NEW Nikon D3100. “Apparently, when Nikon decided to add video capture functionality to its D3000 follow-up, they weren’t just kidding around. Not only have they made it the first Nikon DSLR to capture full 1080p (1920 x 1080) footage, but they also made it the ‘world’s first’ DSLR with full-time auto focus in Live View and D-Movie modes. It can even capture the 24p stuff that cinema-types crave.”

The price is surprisingly good, too. But how’s the audio?

RECOVERY SUMMER! Mortgage Bailout: Government Spin Accelerates. “I don’t envy the folks over at Treasury and HUD who, month after month, are forced to report lackluster statistics on the Administration’s mortgage bailout and find something positive to say about them. Unfortunately they painted themselves into a corner by inventing a ‘Housing Scorecard’ this summer, which only forces them to report more troubling numbers. . . . Yes, home prices are not in freefall, as they were before the current administration took office, but I’m not sure where they’re seeing ‘improving expectations.’ All I’m seeing are reports of double dips in home sales and prices, and increasing concern that the struggling job market will push more borrowers into foreclosure. When asked about that, Dr. Bostic replied only to the first part, about prices being better now than two or three years ago. He declined to answer the question: Where exactly are you seeing data that things are improving now?”

DOUBLE STANDARDS ON Presidential religion? “When Bush declared his Christianity, the press felt a need to delve into his faith and explore the nuances of his belief. Was Bush a moderate Christian, or was he really just one of those crazy wingnut believers who use words like sin and redemption and stuff? Heck, those people are practically snake-handlers, right? But the real question was whether he was a real Christian at all. So many questions to be explored. And explore them, the press did. Then, I mean.”

WHERE GPS DOESN’T WORK, digital bread crumbs. Well, mostly a poor man’s inertial navigation system: “The goal is to count a user’s sequence of steps, gauge direction changes, and even calculate how many floors the user has traversed by stairs or an elevator. The app stores the trail data so that a user can later retrace his path precisely.”

GOING TO JAIL BECAUSE OF bad statistics.

A NEW DODGE LOGO? It reminds me of something, but I’m not sure what.

HOWARD DEAN: ‘Some’ Dems demonizing N.Y. mosque opponents. “‘I think some of my own folks at my end of the spectrum of the party are demonizing some fairly decent people who are opposed to this,’ he said. ‘And again, in no way am I defending the right-wing of the Republican Party. Sixty-five percent of the people in this country are not right-wing bigots. Some of them really have deep emotional feelings about this.'”

“DON’T GET COCKY” vs. “ride the wave.” I’m a big fan of the surfing approach — but if you’re cocky, you’ll miss the wave.

THE T.S.A. EMBARRASSES ITSELF AGAIN. Look, just try to keep the terrorists off the plane, and leave the white-collar-crime detective work to someone else, okay?. . . .

TIM CAVANAUGH: Why “CalPERS Manager” Is Every Stock Picker’s Dream Job. “California’s public pension fund allowed its fund managers to take mega-jet-set kickbacks from financial companies looking to win big state investments. In testimony related to Attorney General Jerry Brown’s bribery lawsuit against a former California Public Employee Retirement System board member, a CalPERS representative has admitted that he and other CalPERS investment staffers accepted gifts, steaks at Morton’s, toys, and dozens of luxury trips to exotic ports of call like Shanghai, Mumbai and New York. Was sex part of the package? Sounds like it.”

BELL, CALIFORNIA TYPE RESENTMENT spreads to Illinois, as citizens in Highland Park demand that commissioners resign for excessive salaries, bonuses and pensions.

JIM TREACHER: NYT and WaPo Circle The Wagons. But don’t be dissing those 49-year-old-man’s pecs. Mine are real, and they’re spectacular.

UPDATE: “After the 2004 election, some lefties branded the U.S. ‘Jesusland.’ Now they’re scrambling to deny rumors that Obama doesn’t love Jesus. Odd, yes?”

GOOD GRIEF: Rasmussen: Arkansas Senate: Boozman (R) 65%, Lincoln (D) 27%. “Lincoln was reelected to a second Senate term in 2004 with 56% of the vote, but her political fortunes in the state have plummeted since she cast a procedural vote late last year to keep President Obama’s national health care bill alive. Opposition to that bill in Arkansas has been even higher than it is nationally.”