Archive for 2010

MAY 20TH IS “Everybody Draw Mohammed” day. “If each threat produces more blasphemers than it silences, then threats suddenly become counterproductive.”

TWEET FIGHTING MAN: PJTV producer Owen Brennan gets in a twitter-fight with Keith Olbermann. Brennan emails:

I got in a very odd twitter fight with @KeithOlbermann today … went a few rounds too.

The tweet that started it all: “@KeithOlbermann Congrats on getting nearly 50,000 viewers! Er, I mean “followers,” but what’s the difference these days?”

And it just so happened to be a perfect promotional moment.

We’d just put up Kruiser’s latest … which has one of the most uncomfortable moments I’ve ever seen on cable news with four people on the Morning Joe team hoping the moment passes without anybody saying the dreaded words, “Keith Olbermann.”

I don’t have a scar on my head from tweeting Keith, but I’ve got an amusing twitter stream now. While Jon Stewart is picking a fight with Fox News, Keith Olbermann is fighting with PJTV.

Anybody who knows anything about media fights know that you only fight above your weight, which is why Olbermann is left to fight us.


SHIKHA DALMIA: It’s Still Government Motors. “Uncle Sam gave GM $49.5 billion last summer in aid to finance its bankruptcy. (If it hadn’t, the company, which couldn’t raise this kind of money from private lenders, would have been forced into liquidation, its assets sold for scrap.) So when Mr. Whitacre publishes a column with the headline, ‘The GM Bailout: Paid Back in Full,’ most ordinary mortals unfamiliar with bailout minutia would assume that he is alluding to the entire $49.5 billion. That, however, is far from the case.”

GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE: VA Claims Office Takes SNAFU to a New Level. “Last month, a decorated Gulf War hero received a letter from the Veterans Affairs Administration that said: We are working on your claim for menstrual disorder. He was surprised — but not as much as one might think.”

JOHN HINDERAKER: “Whenever President Bush talked about immigration, his approval ratings went down. It was like clockwork: liberals never understood that the fatal decline in Bush’s popularity during his second term had at least as much to do with his advocacy of ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ as with war-weariness. Now President Obama has entered the lists, urging Congress to take up immigration. One can only wonder what Congressional Democrats make of this. Maybe they figure their own approval ratings can’t possibly get any lower. But Obama’s can, and they will if he keeps talking about immigration.”

THIS WEEK in the future.

BECOMING ARGENTINA: At least at an aesthetic level. I’d rather we matched their beef and their Malbecs . . . .

JOHN KASS: Blagojevich sends not-so-subtle message to Obama. “Obama’s former patron and real estate fairy, the convicted influence peddler Tony Rezko, is a key player in the government’s case. Blagojevich’s aim is to undercut what Rezko has told investigators. And now Blago wants the president to do the undercutting from the witness stand, with the nation riveted to his every recollection of his days in Chicago politics, hanging with Tony and the guys, with the midterm November elections approaching.” Or, you know, to make the case go away.

JAMES LILEKS: ‘Question Authority’? Dude, That’s sooo 2008. “Then: dissent=patriotic. Now: sedition. Then: opposition to Bush=principled and civilized. Now: opposition to Obama=opposition to the very nature of civilization itself.”