Archive for 2010

MEA CULPA: Anderson Cooper Says He Was Wrong to Let Shirley Sherrod Smear of Andrew Breitbart Go Unchallenged. “Cooper now says he should have challenged Sherrod to support such an inflammatory charge with facts: ‘I believe in admitting my mistakes….I didn’t challenge her that night and I should have.'” Why didn’t he, then? Was he afraid to challenge a black woman talking about racism? Well, at least his learned his lesson, as have many. It was a teachable moment on race, I guess, just like the President wanted. . . .

UPDATE: A Reminder from Prof. Jacobson: The Original Sherrod Clip Was Not “False.” “The clip itself was what it was. No one is claiming that the words were changed or edited within the time span shown on the clip. The original Sherrod clip was no worse, and in many ways much more fair, than the clips and words taken out of context that we see every day at Democratic media machines.”

KING BANAIAN: Underneaths The GDP Report. “I was more surprised by the reported savings rate of 6.2% than any other number. An economy that is showing vigorous growth and high optimism would have a rate moving lower. But of course sentiment is down to pre-2010 levels, and consumers appear to have decided to continue the repair of their balance sheets instead.”

MORE ON JOURNOLIST as a media self-herding device. “Certainly Journolist wasn’t an institution where you got career points for being contrarian. Quite the opposite.” Nope, it was a place for good party discipline, those who were happy to enforce it, and those who were happy to submit to it.

Sounds like Ann Althouse was right. “Remember the liberal meme that George Bush was ‘incurious’? But aren’t these liberal journalists incurious? They had this email list that was designed — apparently — to figure out how to structure the various news stories to serve the interests of their party. The Journolist was a self-herding device. They wanted to be good cogs in a machine that would generate power for the Democratic Party, didn’t they? For career and social rewards? That’s my hypothesis.”

UPDATE: Reader Randy Miller writes: “It seems as though Journolist’s Blowhard Preventer….Failed!” Heh.

WORST BIKINI TOP ever? I’m at the beach, and so far I haven’t seen anything like this. But at least they don’t make a men’s Speedo on the same theme. . . .


YEAH, BLOGGING’S A LITTLE LIGHT: I’m at the beach, and attending a conference, so things may be a bit lighter for a few days. And email responses will definitely be slower, if present at all. Sorry, but it’s summer!


STACY MCCAIN: When Phyllis Schlafly Speaks the Truth, Democrats Call It ‘Extremism.’ “Do you know how Phyllis Schlafly earned her way through college? Working in a munitions plant during World War II, when her job was test-firing .50-caliber machine-gun ammunition. Think about that, gentlemen.”

Related: “Maybe, instead of getting pissed at her, women who are convinced that they can do it all without a man’s help should actually, you know, try proving her wrong.”

AT AMAZON, it’s the Friday Sale.