Archive for 2010

WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: IPCC Head In GlacierGate Crime? “The London Times continues to follow the glaciergate story — and it keeps getting worse. The latest disclosure: Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN’s (formerly) prestigious Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (known as the IPCC), may have raised millions of dollars for his New Delhi institute on the basis of the totally bogus ‘glaciergate’ claim by the IPCC that the Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035.”


I dunno. It looks like Jimmy Carter to me, but he’s not dead — except politically.

UPDATE: A reader suggests: “I was thinking it is more likely to be Herbert Hoover…”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader C.J. Burch writes: “Warren G. Harding isn’t beyond the realm of possibility. But I can guarantee you it isn’t Abraham Lincoln.”

MORE: Ghosts In The Machine. Plus an amusing Dick Cheney reminder.

STILL MORE: Chris Fountain writes: “Wesley Mouch.” But of course! It’s the Ghost Of Appointees Yet To Come! Or maybe not . . . .


MICKEY KAUS: It’s Not Rahm’s Fault. It’s Obama’s Fault. “What do presidents do when they should fire themselves? They fire their advisers and bring in a new crew. That’s what may happen here. I’d guess we’re about 36 hours away from a Beltway call for ‘wise men.'”

NICK GILLESPIE: Obamanomics: Crony Capitalism Disguised as Progressive Reforms.

Related: Populist Politics, Economic Panic. “Pundits debate whether Obama’s new populist red meat will ‘work’ — that is, allow him to recover his political footing. But if he unnerves the markets and spooks investors, he’ll be in further trouble. After all, he might insist that the economy is all George W. Bush’s fault, but fewer and fewer voters are buying that. And if his own policies — spending with abandon, pursuing a junk-a-thon stimulus plan, spending a year on the job-killing ObamaCare and cap-and-trade, and now frightening the financial markets – have paralyzed employers, then he surely is accountable for those results.”

ELLIE LIGHT: Obama Astroturfer? “Editors all over the country found Light’s message strangely compelling. It was reprinted at The Politico; the Philadelphia Daily News; the San Francisco Examiner; the Washington Times; and a USA Today blog. In addition, the letter has appeared at literally dozens of small-town papers across the country, with names like the Los Banos Enterprise, the North Adams Transcript, and the Danbury News-Times. Ms. Light always claims to be a local in these letters. Her real estate holdings are apparently prodigious, as she has claimed residences in Philadelphia, PA; Daly City, California; Mansfield, Ohio; Waynesboro, Virginia; Algoma, Wisconsin; Bangor, Maine; and dozens of other places. Who said Obama supporters were all downtrodden?”

UPDATE: The new Greg Packer? “Insert obvious snark about layers and layers of fact checkers and editors earning their pay, here.” Actually, it’s worse than that. . . .


TRANSPARENCY: Scorned Mistress of Married Obama Adviser Posts Billboards Nationwide. “YaVaughnie Wilkins posted the signs after she learned that her lover, Charles E. Phillips — president and director of the tech conglomerate Oracle Corporation and a member of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board — had reconciled with his wife, the New York Post reported.”

GEE, THANKS MR. OBAMA: Reader David Davila writes:

Wednesday-Friday, the Dow lost 552 points, or 5.2 percent.

Thanks Mr. President!

Your new tilting at windmills ploy,errr, bad mouthing Wall Street, just blew up my 401(k), not to mention my other investments. Again. Right after they were just about even with the pounding they took a year or so ago. What a stellar job this administration is doing. Riiiight…

About now, I’m thinking if I wanted something screwed up, I can trust the Chicago boys to come through.

If I want something done right, the high school kid down the street who is always looking for work around the neighborhood would be a far better choice.

He’s prompt, cleans up after himself, does whatever work we give him with a smile on his face and sincere gratefulness for what he gets paid.

In other words he’s NOT a f_ck up, and the money he gets is earned and gladly paid by me. I’d nominate him to take Obama’s job right about now, he definitely wouldn’t screw it up as badly as this lot of clowns has/is.


My sense is that a lot of people feel this way. You know, the proletarian vanguard.

ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE: Reader Mary Daly writes: “Could you please post a link to your recommendations on crockpots and crockpot cookbooks? ( It’s 10 degrees here in northern New Hampshire.)”

It’s right here. And there’s much more here.

I’VE WRITTEN ABOUT THE ORION NUCLEAR-SPACE CRAFT CONCEPT BEFORE, here and (in the context of China) here. But now a reader points out there’s an Orion model kit, and here’s a blog entry on it. Wonder how many Chinese buyers have appeared? . . .

RON BAILEY ON the split among environmentalists regarding nuclear power. “Environmentalists fiercely disagree about the role nuclear power might play in addressing global warming. Two new books by big names in the green movement stake out the boundaries of that debate. On the pro-nuclear side stands Stewart Brand with Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto. In the other corner you’ll find Al Gore with Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis.”