Archive for 2010

OPSEC PROBLEMS for British forces in Afghanistan? “Senior officer banned from elite unit’s HQ over tell-all book, while its commander takes aim at US general for breaking code of silence on operations.”


One fashionable notion among some of the intelligentsia is that old people have “a duty to die,” rather than become a burden to others.

This is more than just an idea discussed around a seminar table. Already Britain’s government-run medical system is restricting what medications or treatments it will authorize for the elderly. It seems almost certain that similar attempts to contain runaway costs will lead to similar policies when US medical care is taken over by the government.

Make no mistake: Letting old people die is a lot cheaper than spending the kind of money required to keep them alive and well. If a government-run medical system is going to save any serious amount of money, it is almost certain to do so by sacrificing the elderly.

There was a time when some desperately poor societies had to abandon old people to their fate, because there was just not enough margin for everyone to survive. Sometimes the elderly would simply go off to face their fate alone.

But is that where we are today?

Another reason for a carbon tax — if global warming strikes, we won’t be able to put them out to sea on an ice floe! It all makes sense now . . . .

UPDATE: Numerous readers send variations on “ObamaCare is people!”

BOOMERS FACE SKIN CANCER from non-sun-screened youth. Sunburn is bad, and promotes cancer. On the other hand, excessive sun-avoidance is also bad for you, and appears to promote more cancer.

DEATH OF AN AMERICAN ICON. Now it’s personal, Bloomberg. . . .

TOM MAGUIRE: “As to the Death Drones, if Bush did this targeting [of] Americans we would read about nothing else, and I would support it. But don’t look for me to exert a lot of effort splashing pixels on Obama’s behalf – he can deal with his crazed base himself.”

A LESSON FOR OBAMA FROM SPAIN: Cut federal salaries? Yes, we can. “Mr. Zapatero will now impose a 5-percent across-the-board reduction in government salaries. Ministers will take a more substantial, but mostly symbolic, 15-percent cut. More importantly, the government will freeze pension benefits and eliminate a number of non-essential benefits. A total of 13,000 unnecessary government employees will be cut loose.”

PETER BERKOWITZ: Why Liberal Education Matters: “The true aim of the humanities is to prepare citizens for exercising their freedom responsibly.” Is that aim reflected in how humanities are taught now? No. “The drop in humanities enrollments has a lot to do with the pretentious and opaque theorizing that humanities professors have inserted between students and the study of history, literature and philosophy. Meanwhile, confused faculty and incoherent university curricula encourage students to equate liberal education with studying whatever they please. Education for freedom requires more systematic training.”

FREEDOM-WALKER ROGER KRESS has made it to DC. You can see Helen’s interview with Kress when he passed through Knoxville right here.