Archive for 2010

READER C.J. BURCH SENDS this link and comments: “Ailes and the rest should be concerned that the tea parties are very disappointed in them. That should be their concern.” Indeed. Fox treated its fans shabbily.

PROFESSOR BAINBRIDGE: “It was inevitable that the government would go after one of the big investment banks for their conduct during the run up to the credit crisis. Someone must be thrown to the lions so that the polis are distracted from the role their government played in the fiasco.”

WHO KNOWS THEIR Batman trivia?


CLEANUP ON Gate Eleven.

BOB CORKER DOESN’T WANT TO PAY for AARP’s palace. “I’ve been by it several times. It makes the best of the embassies look like cottages.”

THE NEW CURRENCY is obedience.

Meanwhile, remember how the left went crazy over Ari Fleischer’s advice to “watch what you say?” But now Bill Clinton is comparing Tea Partiers to Tim McVeigh and proffering rather Fleischeresque advice. Maybe Clinton should watch what he says, when it comes to branding large numbers of nonviolent Americans as terrorists. But this statement serves as a useful reminder to those who have come to think of Clinton as some sort of cuddly, not-so-bad figure. He was a demagogue who would say whatever he thought might work when he was President, and he still is.

IN THE MAIL: From Charles Stross, The Trade of Queens.

INTERESTED IN FISHING? Check out The Itinerant Angler, a site run by one of my former students.

THE “UNEXPECTED UNEMPLOYMENT” CHART OF THE DAY. It’s hilarious, except for, well, you know . . . .

Downside: “We’re not seeing any improvement at all after the loss of so many jobs in the crisis period. We’re seeing stagnation at high levels of unemployment, and despite a massive hiring binge at the Census Bureau, the numbers aren’t improving in the private sector at all. Maybe the media analysts should get their ducks in a row and start reporting on reality.”