Archive for 2010

MIKE FLYNN compares Harry Reid with Trent Lott. And the press reaction to both. Though as I recall, the press was kinda slow to pick up on the Lott story, too.

DEATH TO skeptics.

WELL, THEY LOOK LIKE THEY’RE HAVING FUN, but to a Tennessee fan this is pretty much a Satanic Mass or something.

THE “LORDS OF TOLERANCE” BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: Bill Clinton 2008 on Obama: A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee. “As politically tempting as it is to demagogue this, and duly aware that the left would never give the benefit of the doubt to a conservative in an argument over racial subtext, I can’t believe Billy Jeff meant it ‘that way.’ Comparing a guy running to become the first black president to some sort of servant is astoundingly tone-deaf, but that was par for the course for Clinton throughout that campaign.” So he gets a kind of Joe-Biden pass then. . . .

Plus: “A parting thought that scarcely needs articulating: Had a Republican said what BJ said, he’d be finished, finished, finished.”

YOU DON’T SAY: Brown grassroots vs Coakley machine: “I don’t think they play at all fairly.”

UPDATE: Dan Riehl on what you can do.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader James Doherty writes: “Just wanted to say – I am a MA resident, and the Coakley ads that were nowhere to be seen in the entire campaign have hit the airwaves big time today. Also, we got called twice by her lackeys tonight alone. Something has clearly changed, and not for the better in her opinion.”

POLL: Massachusetts Senate Race Now A Toss-Up. I had noticed that the powers-that-be in Massachusetts were acting kinda nervous, so maybe their own polls say something similar. It must be troubling when your push-pollers ask people if it would affect their vote if the guy was a Nazi and the respondents say “Nope, he’d still be better than Coakley.”

UPDATE: Reportedly, the Boston Herald poll is a toss-up, too.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Jules Crittenden emails that there is no such Boston Herald poll.

HALLE BERRY: Dealing with airport security lines is for the little people. I saw the same thing happen with Michael Bolton last year.

SEEMS THE FIRST QUESTION SHOULD BE “SECRET INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT? WTF?” Legislators Worldwide Asking Questions About ACTA. “Legislators around the world are demanding more information on the secret Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.”

MORE ON THE NEWARK DEBACLE: “This guy just comes off as a knucklehead. The one who needs to be accountable is the idiot ‘security’ person who let him slip by.” Yeah, it’s not like he’s Halle Berry or something.

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Analysis: Obama’s buck-stopping goes only so far. “He says ‘the buck stops with me,’ but nearly a year into office, President Barack Obama is still blaming a lot of the nation’s troubles — the economy, terrorism, health care — on George W. Bush.”

FOLLOWING IN TRENT LOTT’S FOOTSTEPS: Harry Reid apologizes for “light skinned” remark about Obama.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) apologized today for referring to President Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect” in private conversations during the 2008 presidential campaign.

“I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words,” said Reid in a statement. “I sincerely apologize for offending any and all Americans, especially African Americans for my improper comments.”

President Obama said in a statement that he and Reid had spoken about the matter on Saturday afternoon. “I accepted Harry’s apology without question because I’ve known him for years, I’ve seen the passionate leadership he’s shown on issues of social justice and I know what’s in his heart,” said Obama. “As far as I am concerned, the book is closed.”

Also, he needs him for health care. Here’s more coverage from CNN.

Dan Riehl comments: “Thank God Reid isn’t a Republican, or he’d be being savaged as a racist. We all know that’s not true. They aren’t racists. They simply don’t believe blacks can be successful without being helped by a white person. That isn’t racism, silly. It’s compassion, or so we’re told.”

And Robert George is not kind.

UPDATE: “Speaking Stupid All The Time.” I don’t really think Reid will follow too far in Trent Lott’s footsteps, though. Obama wants him to stay — and, I suspect, so do the Republicans . . . .

Meanwhile, on Facebook, Bruce Bartlett posts some other racial statements by Democrats, from his book Wrong On Race: The Democratic Party’s Buried Past.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Drudge has fun:


Meanwhile, a reader emails: “There went his chance at owning a football team.” Heh.

MORE: Over at Talking Points Memo, where Trent Lott came in for plenty of criticism, reader Brian Torrez notes that there’s currently . . . nothing about Reid’s remarks at all. Well, people blog about what they find interesting and apparently this doesn’t interest ’em. I’ll note that I was on the Lott story, though . . . . (Bumped).

KENNETH ANDERSON HAS MORE on targeted killing and Predator drone strikes. “The logic of much of the legal opposition to the use of these weapons, beyond the specifics of the legal arguments in specific circumstances, as has been said to me dozens of times by leading lawyers in the human rights community, academics, and activists, is that the more discriminating the weapon and the less it risks American soldiers in its use, the greater the incentive for it to be used, thus raising the threshold of violence.”


PROF. WILLIAM JACOBSON REPORTS from Scott Brown headquarters.

UPDATE: Reader Jane Woodworth emails:

I just got back from 3 hours at the Worcester phone bank for Scott Brown.

The place was full – maybe 20 phones, with people waiting to help.

I probably made 100 calls to registered republicans and independents. It was least an hour before anyone said they were voting for Coakley. After 3 hours the total was: 2 for Coakley, 2 undecided, 96 for Brown.

The most pleasant surprise was how enthusiastic people were.

Interesting. (Updated to fix typo).