Archive for 2010

HEH: ‘Black Swan’ Author Says Investors Should Sue Nobel Economics Committee for Crisis. “Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of “The Black Swan,” said investors who lost money in the financial crisis should sue the Swedish Central Bank for awarding the Nobel Prize to economists whose theories he said brought down the global economy. . . . Taleb said that the Nobel Prize for Economics has conferred legitimacy on risk models that caused investors’ losses and taxpayer-funded bailouts. Sweden’s central bank will announce the winner of this year’s award on Oct. 11.”

IS CRIME MAKING A COMEBACK? Not sure this is enough to convince me, but . . . .



Peter Orszag’s Office of Management and Budget has been charged by a presidential commission with engineering an obviously political downplaying of the early BP oil spill estimates. . . . At least that’s not the same Orszag-run OMB that assured us Obama’s health care plan would either be “deficit neutral” or actually reduce the deficit by “bending the curve” of health care costs. . . . Oh wait. . . . P.S.: Substitute “health care cost increases” for “spill” in the BP stories to catch a possible glimpse of the future! . . . .

Falsus in unum. . .

REMEMBERING A SOCIOPATHIC MASS MURDERER. “Forty-three years ago this week, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara met a just, albeit cowardly, end. The fact that he is now renowned on college campuses and in other benighted precincts is remarkable: if Charles Manson had been a bigger-time psychopath, he might have been Che.”

DON SURBER: THE YEAR OF THE TEA PARTY. “Among mainstream America, 61% say the Tea Party is good for the country. Among the political class, 75% say bad. As well the political class should think because so many of them will be tossed out on November 2.”

THE RISE OF CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN WOMEN: “The prominence of Christian female power brokers in American politics is nothing new. Going back to the colonial era, the story of American religion has disproportionately been the story of women. In essentially every Christian denomination at any period of American history, women have been the majority of congregants.” So we should call this the Widow Douglas Restoration?

IT’S 10/10/10! Enjoy it!

UH OH: Soaring prices threaten new food crisis.

UPDATE: Reader Douglas Chandler writes: “Why oh Why won’t John Ringo answer his phone?”

Plus, reader Frank Glamser writes: “Maybe we should quit using food to make ethanol for our cars. Just saying.” That’s crazy talk.

DOG BITES MAN. Well, woman, but you know . . . .

HAL LEWIS: My Resignation From The American Physical Society. “One of the outstanding marks of (in)distinction in the Statement was the poison word incontrovertible, which describes few items in physics, certainly not this one.”