Archive for 2010

BUT OF COURSE: Catherine Zeta Jones Loves Bacon Sandwiches. Well, I mean, they do come with bacon.

UPDATE: Did your heart do flipflops at the combination of Catherine Zeta Jones and bacon, all in one post? InstaPundit is not for the weak.

IN THE MAIL: From Michael Z. Williamson, Contact with Chaos.

SHIRLEY SHERROD PUSHED OUT BY the “West Wing white guys?” “That contradicts the official story of a few days ago, where the White House staffers were passive, surprised bystanders and Agriculture Secretary Vilsack was to blame. I don’t know if anyone believes that, but I don’t expect to see any reporters push on it, either.”

UPDATE: Related thoughts from Rand Simberg. So who’s the whitest? Journolist, the Obama White House, MSNBC hosts, or the burglars in Broadview Security commercials? I’m thinking, I’m thinking. . . .

ILYA SOMIN: James Webb on Affirmative Action and Race. “In his much-discussed recent Wall Street Journal op ed, Virginia Senator James Webb makes some good points about affirmative action and race, but also some key mistakes and omissions.”

PETER SUDERMAN: More Deficit Damage Ahead. “Budget director Peter Orszag’s response? Could be worse! . . . But saying that it could be worse doesn’t excuse the fiscal problem, or the near-total failure of Washington legislators to substantively address it. This is hardly the first sign that the federal budget is in terrible shape.”

Maybe if they feared that angry journalists would hunt them down and push them through windows, they’d take some notice.

DIVERSITY CONSULTANT THROWS THE “K-BOMB.” It’s in the interest of diversity consultants to foster racial division, of course. That’s what keeps them employed.

CHANGE: Running For The Door: German Giants Flee Wall Street. “With expensive accounting rules, an increased threat of litigation and hundreds of millions of dollars in fines for some firms, the once prestigious New York Stock Exchange and other American markets have become unattractive to Germany’s biggest companies. Daimler and Deutsche Telekom have fled this year and the few remaining are likely to follow.”

ADVICE TO WOMEN: Bad-Mouthing Your Husband Slowly Kills A Marriage. It’s good advice. Not all women do this. I heard two women discussing a problem with a husband at the gym yesterday, and they were very positive and solution-oriented.

AMAZING PHOTOS: Pilot ejects an instant before fighterjet crashes.

UPDATE: Reader Stephen Hill writes: “The pictures ARE amazing, and in one regard more than anything else: the first photo in the sequence illustrates how miraculous technology is getting – in this case in the form of the 0-0 ejection seat. The canopy is not even out of frame yet, and the seat has already oriented its passenger vertically, despite having fired out of a cockpit pointed at the ground.”



MICHAEL MOYNIHAN: “False (or flimsy) accusations of racism abound—they are everywhere one looks—though they rarely provoke the level of outrage seen in the Sherrod affair.” Well, because they’re usually aimed at Republicans.

But Moynihan’s piece produced the comment of the week:

My take:

(1) Breitbart was aiming at the NAACP as a reaction to yet another baseless Tea Party racism charge. Boy, did he hit his target. Sherrod was purely incidental.

(2) Breitbart succeeded in making the NAACP look racist, succeeded in provoking them into making an unfounded charge of racism themselves, and succeeded in stampeding the whole lefty racism industry into suddenly pontificating about the need for context and the horribleness of unfounded charges of racism.

I would say Breitbart has, once again, achieved all his objectives.


PATTERICO: James Rainey: Breitbart Was Irresponsible for Doing What I Do All the Time. “Regular readers will recall how Rainey uncritically quoted an ACORN worker who suggested that she had ordered Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe out of her office. Rainey (who today lambasts Breitbart for failng to contact Sherrod) hadn’t bothered to contact Breitbart — or Giles or O’Keefe — to ask their side of the story. If Rainey had bothered to do his job, he might have learned that the ACORN worker in question turned out to be only too eager to help Giles and O’Keefe with their purported child prostitution ring.”