Archive for 2010


Happy Independence Day.


Quincy, Illinois. Taken with the Panasonic Lumix LX-3.

SIGH: Republicans On Energy: More Pro-Business Than Pro-Market. Alas, that’s the Republicans on economic issues in general, all too often.

UPDATE: Dan Riehl on why the GOP apparat isn’t so hot on the Tea Party movement: “The grassroots and conservative movement are genuine free marketers and capitalists. The beltway establish, GOP and otherwise, is corporatist. This is also one reason why you have so called Reagan Democrats.”

AFGHANISTAN UPDATE: Michael Yon has a couple of statements from Gen. Petraeus.


Farragut, Tennessee. Happy Independence Day!

TOM SMITH: Collegiality Over Constitutionality. “As Thomas More implies in Robert Bolt’s A Man for All Seasons, nobody is obliged to go to hell out of good fellowship.”


IMPORTANT RELATIONSHIP ADVICE: “You can never have enough sex, especially when you’re in a relationship. One way to make sure that your man is happy is to be intimate with him as much as possible. Whenever, wherever, make sure that you’re doing it. Besides the fact that sex is so fun, it will also make you a stronger couple. There’s no excuse not to be getting busy all the time.”

CHANGE: “Barton Biggs, whose investments in stocks 15 months ago gave his Traxis Partners LLC a 38 percent gain in 2009, said concern the economy will contract spurred him to sell almost all his U.S. technology shares this week.”


A WARNING TO TRAVELERS ON I-40 WESTBOUND: It narrows to one lane in North Carolina at mile marker 7, just before the Tennessee line. For some reason, this produces a multi-mile backup that took us over an hour to get through. Alas, the alternate route on I-26 to I-81 adds . . . something over an hour to the trip itself, so I don’t have a lot of good advice for you. You can try going via Hot Springs on the 2-lane, but that will either be faster, or much slower, depending on traffic.

UPDATE: Donald Sensing writes: “I drove from Charleston, SC, to Williamson county today, 600 miles. Knowing about the blockage, I continued on I-26 W north of Asheville, then took Hwy 25N/70W thru mountains to Newport, TN, where I rejoined I-40. Not much traffic on this route and much shorter than the I-81 detour.”