Archive for 2010

VIOLENT ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC, from Greenpeace. “We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work. And we be many, but you be few.” No doubt Frank Rich and Paul Krugman will be comparing them to Nazis any day now . . . .

BRAIN DAMAGE AND MORAL JUDGMENT. With some thoughts on benign sentient robots. Though, of course, everyone knows that those are just a myth.


THE END of Mexico?

AIRPORT SCREENING: What TSA Is Doing. “Now, when TSA scrutinizes the passenger list, it won’t just be looking for known terrorist identities but also for fragmentary identities. So, if we know that a Nigerian is training for an attack and that his first name is Umar, we’ll select a lot of Nigerian Umars for screening. . . . Ironically, Europe is probably picking a bigger fight over reservation data with the Obama administration than it the one it had with the Bush administration. For the last administration, using travel reservation data was just one among a dozen or more counterterrorism initiatives, so a European attack on that initiative was just one more fight to preserve a piece of the last administration’s strategy. But for this administration, using intelligence to screen passengers is a signature, maybe the signature, counterterrorism initiative.”

MORE BLOGGING from on board the Tea Party Express.


MARK STEYN: Parochially post-American: Don’t Blame Obama. “It’s not just the president. The entire administration suffers, to put it at its mildest, from systemic indifference to American allies. It wasn’t Obama but a mere aide who sneered to Fleet Street reporters that Britain was merely one of 200 countries in the world and shouldn’t expect any better treatment than any of the others. It wasn’t Obama but the State Department that leaked Hillary Clinton’s dressing down of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Ally-belittling comes so reflexively to this administration that it’s now doing drive-by bird-flipping.”

JIM HOFT IS UNHAPPY THAT THE NEW YORK TIMES CONFLATES TEA PARTIERS WITH weathermen terrorists. But I think they’re saying that Tea Partiers will be close friends with the next President . . . .

UPDATE: Ann Althouse explains it all.

SITTING BY THE WINDOW: And looking out, from the Tea Party Express bus.

There is, by the way, a double Moby Grape reference in this post. But how many will get both?

FROM THE NEW YORK AUTO SHOW: 6 New Cars Under $20K. “If you’re looking for a car with no secret history, a warranty and decent gas mileage—but you don’t want to spend a lot—there are plenty of options.”

BYRON YORK: Rush Limbaugh, Chris Matthews, and the “regime” question. “Perhaps Joe McCarthy never called the U.S. government a regime, but Chris Matthews did. And a lot of other people did, too. So now we are supposed to believe him when he expresses disgust at Rush Limbaugh doing the same?”