Archive for 2010


THE HILL: Dems don’t appear to have 216 hours before a healthcare vote.

Huffington Post: Early Chaos On The House Floor:

A protester sitting in the House gallery just disrupted the early business going on in the chamber by screaming out: “The people have said no!” and “You took an oath.” Leadership tried to gavel the members back into session and ordered the Sargent in Arms to remove the unruly man. Before he was escorted out, however, he did receive a fair amount of applause from the Republican side of the aisle.

Outside, meanwhile, bullhorns and chants are seeping into the press room and even the chamber. Chants of “Naaaannnccy” and “vote them out” are constant, as are the usual “kill the bill” refrains. At one point, three lawmakers, presumably Republicans, went outside the Capitol building — on a second floor balcony — to greet the protestors. And they each held up one side reading: “Kill” “The” “Bill”

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) emerged from the House floor irate to denounce Republicans for cheering on the protester.

There’s going to be a lot more for Barney to be irate about if this turkey passes.

MUNICIPAL FINANCE UPDATE: Too many towns, too much debt: Welcome to Pennsylvania.

“A train wreck is coming, and, because of my position, I think it’s my duty to alert people,” said George Cornelius, secretary of the state Department of Economic and Community Development. “Some of these municipalities may get into a situation where they have no choice; bankruptcy is the only option left.”

Cash-strapped municipalities suffering from the industrial decline, population loss and overwhelming tax increases common in the Rust Belt face a “downward spiral,” Cornelius said.

It’s not just Pennsylvania. And I’m not sure whether consolidating small towns into bigger ones will really help. Read the whole thing.

MIKE FLYNN: ObamaCare: To Pass Or Not To Pass.

The Democrats and the White House are lost in a legislative “fog of war” right now. They are focused on twisting enough arms, offering jobs and negotiating specific “deals” (bribes) to get them to 216 votes. Their attention and energy is focused exclusively on a final vote in the House tonight. No one is looking even one minute beyond that horizon. They are like a general who pours all his reserves into taking a symbolic bridge, never realizing that his lines have already collapsed and his flanks have been turned. They may take the bridge and get to 216 votes. (I’ve learned to never bet against Congressional leadership and an Administration united for a single legislative victory. ) But, they have already lost the war. They have deluded themselves that if they can…just…get…this…bill…passed, the public’s anger and attention will subside, they can put health care ‘behind them’ and they can focus on other ‘popular’ measures that will shore up their election prospects in November.

What they don’t realize is that today’s vote isn’t the end, but just a new beginning in the debate over health care. Buckle up, because if they manage to cobble together enough votes to pass the Senate Health Bill today, we’re set for weeks and perhaps months of a constitutional and political crisis the likes of which we haven’t seen in our lifetimes. . . . A representative democracy cannot long endure a political class that is so out of touch with the populace. In some respects, what happens tonight is almost beside the point. The politics are set. Some Democrats are deluding themselves that they can put this behind them and somehow survive in November. They are most assuredly wrong.

I agree.

ON DRUDGE: “OVERHEARD: Walking into Capitol this morning on phone, Speaker Pelosi tells Hoyer: ‘Steny, we have to get to 217. None of these members wants to be the deciding vote’… Developing…” It’s unsourced, but it’s easy to believe that nobody wants to be the deciding vote on this turkey.

UPDATE: Rep. John Tanner (D-TN) is now a No.

FROM RANDY BARNETT: More questions on ObamaCare’s constitutionality.

UPDATE: Reader Jim Murray writes: “Randy, like his critic, forgets to mention Bush v. Gore was a 7-2 decision to overturn what Florida was doing. The continued misrepresentation of the decision as 5-4 (the decision on the remedy) allows the liberals to maintain the election was stolen. Of course, they also neglect to recall the later unofficial recount performed by newspapers that found Bush won via actual votes.”

PRO-NUKE OBAMA. Lamar Alexander praises Obama’s NRC Appointments. “It would have been difficult for the president to have found three better nominees for the NRC. They are experienced and will make sure the plants are safe and see the value of them to our country.” Good for Obama. I hope he continues to push nice, clean, nuclear power.

IN THE MAIL: From Glen Cook, Shadowline.

PROTESTING OBAMACARE IN NASHVILLE: Reader Linda White emailed last night: “350-400 gathered in Nashville to protest Obamacare today – including a neurologist.”

CINDY SHEEHAN ON BARACK OBAMA: “Arrest that war criminal!” Sad to see such open racism in 21st century America. . . .

IT AIN’T OVER ‘TIL IT’S OVER, and the ObamaCare bill is clearly wildly unpopular. But if it does pass, the media message will be that the whole Tea Party movement has been a waste — when, in fact, without it this would have been passed nearly a year ago, and with far less political cost.

And political cost is the key. If this bill passes, there will be a brutal political cost, as spelled out in the sign below: You Vote for ObamaCare, We Vote For Your Opponent.

That’s what the next eight months or so will be about, and I don’t think that many of the folks you’ve seen demonstrating will give up and go home.

THE HILL: Vote No And Get Out: “A Democrat who has long committed to opposing healthcare reform legislation has advised his fellow defectors that they should vote no early on Sunday and then immediately leave the House chamber. . . . The tactics of House leaders during what is billed as a 15-minute vote are important. It is likely that some firm no votes on the Democratic side will vote right away while others, at the request of House leaders, will wait to register their no until the tally reaches the magic number of 216. Once it does, politically vulnerable Democrats will likely cast their no votes. But if getting to 216 is a problem, Democratic leaders may lean on these members to change their minds.”

REPS. SPACE & MATHESON WILL BOTH VOTE NO. I’m also getting email reports that Rep. Lincoln Davis’s (D-TN) office is saying he will vote no, though I haven’t been able to find a published report to that effect.

UPDATE: A “no” from Rep. Glenn Nye.