Archive for 2010

ANN ALTHOUSE: Hey, rubes!

They can’t handle the truth.

WE’RE NOT AFRAID OF YOU, they said anonymously. “Do these people actually understand how this looks?”

RAINING ON THE Mikulski retirement rumor. “If Mikulski is contemplating retirement, it’s not because she fears she’ll lose in 2010.”

WELL, GOOD: Secret Joint Raid Captures Taliban’s Top Commander. “The Taliban’s top military commander was captured several days ago in Karachi, Pakistan, in a secret joint operation by Pakistani and American intelligence forces, according to American government officials.”

UPDATE: Reader David McCourt writes: “Have they flown his lawyer out there?”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Prof. Jacobson asks: “Did the U.S. deliberately not take possession of Baladar so as to avoid the now-thorny issue of Baradar’s right to counsel and to remain silent?”

SOMEBODY CALL RETRACTO: Frank Rich owes Sarah Palin a correction for this:

“This is about the people,” as Palin repeatedly put it last weekend while pocketing $100,000 of the Tea Partiers’ money.

Actually, she donated it back — which she said in her speech, which Rich could even have watched in its entirety online. For free. If Rich thinks she pocketed it instead of donating it, maybe he could offer a source or something?

THE MOST SIZZLING TV COUPLES of all time. Sadly, Reuben Kincaid and Shirley Partridge didn’t make the cut.


They’ll always be remembered for that song, but if you have a chance, give their third album Round Trip a listen. I thought it deserved a lot more attention than it got, and to my ear it still holds up pretty well, though perhaps it’s just that I associate it with a particular period in my life. Some excerpts can be heard for free here. I like Africa.

A BIT OF POST-VALENTINE’S-DAY GOOD NEWS: Poll: 9 Out of 10 Would Remarry Spouse. “Married Americans expressed few regrets about their choice of spouse and overwhelmingly said they would do it all again, according to a new CBS News poll. Nine out of ten (90%) married Americans would marry their spouse again, a percentage which has barely changed since 1995 (when it was 93%).”