Archive for 2010

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: The Enigma Of Our Age. “This is the most tolerant society in the world, the most multiracial and richest in religious diversity—and the most critical of its very tolerance and the most lax in pointing out the intolerance of the least diverse and liberal.” It’s like the whole thing is some big manipulative scheme or something.


MICHAEL LEDEEN: Only In America. “I was asked to say a few words, which were these: this was a quintessential American wedding. A handsome Marine marries a beautiful Iraqi woman who is led down the aisle by two old Jewish guys.”

THE NEW ABNORMAL. “There’s nothing terribly mysterious about our high unemployment rate. The primary engine of job creation in the United States is small business, which is generally held to produce about 70% of new jobs. . . . This Administration has absolutely hammered the small businessman with enormous costs and mandates. Growing enough to cross the line that triggers the heaviest burdens of ObamaCare can swiftly obliterate a small business. Reckless deficit spending makes them nervous about monetary policy. Gigantic bills no one has read – or, in one especially shameful case, named – are packed with buzzing swarms of unintended consequences. It’s no coincidence that unemployment grew worse as the land mines strewn through the ObamaCare bill began detonating. Who knows what will come next? There are some blood-curdling sounds coming from the fetid swamp of that lame-duck session of Congress. It’s obvious from all the ‘unexpected’ economic news that no one in Washington knows what they’re doing.”

WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE HOT DOG? I’ve always favored Hebrew National. The ones from Allen Bros. are good, too.

THINGS YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED THIS WEEKEND, if you were out, you know, having a life or something:

Dana Loesch on the F*ck Tea Movement.

Hundreds of Colleges Fail Financial Responsibility Test.

Philip Larkin on Jobs And The Fear Of Unemployment.

The “It Girl” for lean times.

Is Turkey using chemical weapons against the Kurds?

When even winning elections can’t stop secession-talk.

Bedbugs At CNN.

Look who’s waxing nostalgic for racism.

Advice for new law students.

Stephen Kruiser on Ed Schultz and Marie Antoinette.


THOUGHTS ON DE-PRIVILEGING THE BUREAUCRAT CLASS: “As things stand today, politicians, regulators and their direct beneficiaries (including bailed-out bankers and automakers) have power and status, as well as money compensation that outstrips that of the private sector. It should be no surprise that life is good for politicians and regulators, and bad for everyone else, and that the disparity is getting worse.”

EARLY AUGUST, AND KIDS ALREADY IN SCHOOL. I still think it’s wrong to start school before Labor Day. . . .

THOUGHTS ON PRESIDENTS AND THE ECONOMY. I believe that presidents have more power to screw things up than to improve them, and I think we’re seeing that demonstrated at the moment.