Archive for 2010

STEPHEN BREYER on constitutional interpretation, and his new book. Interesting that it came out last week, it’s #57, and there are still no reader reviews posted.

STEPHEN GREEN: Annoying Christians and Witches Alike. “What we all should care about is precisely this: Is any given candidate a person of conviction, and is that conviction to cut Washington down to size? All else is superfluous. A candidate could believe in Caspar the Friendly Ghost, ancient astronauts, or that Mars Needs Women, for all I care — so long as they hold true to that core conviction that Washington must be cut down to size.”

CHANGE: Major health insurers to stop offering new child-only policies. “Some of the country’s most prominent health insurance companies have decided to stop offering new child-only plans, rather than comply with rules in the new health-care law that will require such plans to start accepting children with preexisting medical conditions after Sept. 23.” Wow. Who could have seen this coming?

L.A. TIMES: Ouch! Bedbugs are on the rise in the United States. “Think the bedbugs are biting? You’re not alone. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency say the pest that was oh-so last century is making a big comeback in the United States as well as other countries.”

RAND SIMBERG: The NASA/Iran Nukes Connection. “As the Iranians grow ever closer to having nuclear weapons and delivery systems, the U.S. House of Representatives seems determined to undermine efforts to prevent them from doing so, as an unintended consequence of its flawed civil space policy.”

WHY GOOGLE WENT INSTANT. Personally, I’m not a fan.

FANS OF RAW MILK not cowed by safety warnings. But would you resort to “cow-sharing?”

UPDATE: Reader John Helferich writes:

This raw milk trend is very dangerous development. I spent 25 years in the food industry responsible for food safety, There is no way I would let anyone I care about drink raw milk. There are no benefits to raw milk consumption and no dangers in pasteurization. If a large dairy introduced raw milk into the food supply, they would be in front of Congress taking a beating that would make the Toyota hearings look like a walk in the park.

Please let your readers know that raw milk is not “healthy” but is extremely dangerous.


REGULATING DIRECT GENETIC TESTING: “I think the FDA should step out of the way. We really do have a right to know our full DNA sequence or any subset thereof.”