Archive for 2010


HISTORIANS GO CRAZY attacking Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism. Seems like kind of a late hit, but I’m sure Jonah will be pleased at the additional sales. Did I mention that it’s in paperback now?

UPDATE: Thin gruel, indeed. “If this is the best the scholars of fascism can do (and where is A. James Gregor, who knows more about Italian fascism than anyone else in American academia?), you needn’t lose any sleep over it.”

WALRUS-PHOTO recycling. It’s good for the environment! . . . .

ORGANIZED LABOR lost ten percent of its members last year.

UPDATE: A reader notes that this is private sector members. Still plenty of union members on the public payrolls.

FROM AIR NEW ZEALAND, “Cuddle Class Couches.” I flew back to the States from Auckland on Air New Zealand once, with the entire New Zealand national rugby team on board. They were nice guys, but took full advantage of the free alcohol . . . .

NEW HOME SALES FALL — UNEXPECTEDLY! “Sales of newly built U.S. single-family homes fell unexpectedly in December, data showed on Wednesday, the latest indication that the government-led housing recovery might be losing some steam.” A lot of stuff seems to be underperforming expectations lately.

“Well, at least anybody can still buy a truck.”

PATTERICO TURNS HIS PROSECUTOR’S EYE ON THE O’KEEFE STORY and says media reports are not to be trusted. There’s no charge of “bugging,” for one thing. Plus, questions about Carol Leonnig.