Archive for September, 2010

THE NEW NORMAL: For the young: “Funemployment.” For the old: Working during retirement!

MICKEY KAUS ON THE BROWN/WHITMAN DEBATE: “I didn’t like either one of these people coming into the debate. After the debate I like both of them less.”

STEWART BAKER: EUROPE BAILS: “As the threat of major terror attacks rises, the European Commission has chosen to take action. Of a sort. It’s about to violate its existing antiterror agreement with the United States – and in a way that will make the current threat worse. . . . Remarkably, Brussels is pursuing this data boycott despite a solemn promise to the United States that it would not take such action.”

STANLEY FISH: “Liberal pundits and the politicians whose agendas they favor continue to misunderstand the Tea Party movement and, what is worse, fail to realize how much the disdainful tone of their criticism fuels it. This may be changing now as the ominous signs proliferate.”

OBAMA TELLS AMERICA TO “BUCK UP.” Maybe if America had any bucks left . . . . .

EDUCATIONAL FREEDOM FOR ME, but not for thee. Government school, like taxes, is for the little people.

OBAMA CONDESCENDS TO EVERYONE. It’s just taken a while for some people to notice.

THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR JOHN MCCAIN, “CHRISTIANISTS” WOULD BE TRYING TO RUN MY LIFE TO SUIT THEIR TWISTED RELIGIOUS DOCTRINES: And they were right! “The Golden Rule is a fine idea, but it is not a principle of Christianity. Nor did Jesus ever say that we should be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers; Obama apparently referred to the story of Cain and Abel.”

UPDATE: A reader emails:

The Golden Rule is certainly a principle of Christianity; the most commonly quoted form of it is from Matthew 7:12, quoting Jesus: “do to others what you would have them do to you.” Other forms of it may have preexisted Christianity, but to say that it is not a principle of Christianity is fundamentally wrong. That said, it’s also fundamentally wrong to suggest that Jesus meant “do for others with tax money what you think they need,” which seems to be Obama’s exegesis…

Fair enough.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Bill Long writes:

I respect others’ religion as much as (or more than) the next person. The thing, though, that I’ve always wondered about the Golden Rule is this.

What if “what you would have them do to you” is “Leave me the F-word alone”? Does the Golden Rule still apply? Just curious.

Nah, they’ll never go for that. Because that’s what most people would say, and then where would they be?

MORE: Reader Sara Buchanan emails from Italy:

Obama got the brother’s keeper wrong, but he also got the Golden Rule wrong.

“treating others as they would treat me” – Obama
“do to others what you would have them do to you.” – Jesus

Not quite the same thing, is it?

Obama sounds like a kid on the playground. “They started it!”


FINALLY: Reader Joel Mackey writes: “Errr, doesn’t he have a brother living in abject poverty in Kenya?”

Hey, it’s not like he plans to live by this Bible stuff. It’s just a talking point. . . .

YES: Stalin killed millions. A Stanford historian answers the question, was it genocide?

Naimark, author of the controversial new book Stalin’s Genocides, argues that we need a much broader definition of genocide, one that includes nations killing social classes and political groups. His case in point: Stalin.

The book’s title is plural for a reason: He argues that the Soviet elimination of a social class, the kulaks (who were higher-income farmers), and the subsequent killer famine among all Ukrainian peasants – as well as the notorious 1937 order No. 00447 that called for the mass execution and exile of “socially harmful elements” as “enemies of the people” – were, in fact, genocide.

Is murdering a class somehow better than murdering a race? Is fomenting class-hatred somehow better than fomenting race-hatred? Why or why not?