Archive for June, 2010

HEH. I can’t think of a more pointless assignment.

HOMEOWNER KILLS BURGLARS: “Both of the men killed during an alleged South Knox County home burglary Sunday night had criminal records, according to the Knox County Sheriff’s Office.”

DOG BITES MAN: Andrew Sullivan busted for hypocrisy on privacy issues. The thing to remember about the “have you no decency” hypocrites is that the rules are whatever they say they are and they’re only what they say they are until they say they’re something else.

UPDATE: The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent lauds Sullivan for defending the confidentiality of The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein’s “JournoList” media-collusion email list. No home cooking here!

But I’ve got a question: The Washington Post’s David Weigel called on the other journalist members of The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein’s JournoList to refrain from sending traffic to The Washington Post’s competitor, The Washington Examiner. Is there any sort of antitrust liability there? Because if there is — and especially if there were other statements like this on the list from The Washington Post’s employees who participated — then I can see why The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent would like to see The Washington Post’s Ezra Klein’s JournoList archive kept “private.”

JAMES PETHOKOUKIS: Growth only way to avoid U.S. economic collapse.

Lucky this baby didn’t land during the G20 meeting! America’s fiscal judge, the Congressional Budget Office, has produced another nightmare report. The bad news: U.S. debt-to-GDP will hit 858 percent by 2080, roughly ten times today’s level. The “good” news: The economy would implode long before. But avoiding that fate requires just the right balance now between austerity and a push for real, private-sector led economic growth.

The Administration seems to be pursuing the opposite strategy, for some reason. At least, if you were trying to kill private-sector led economic growth, it’s hard to see what you’d do differently.


EMILY DICKINSON’S dark secret.