Archive for April, 2010

UH OH: It’s sweet old ladies! Call the SWAT Team!

Okay, I think they’re just in riot gear, not SWAT guys. But the optics are bad. More here: “Protesters sang ‘God Bless America’ and apparently that was enough to invoke the riot squad. . . . Who gave the order to call in the riot police on protesters? Word is that Secret Service from inside the venue and the presidential team pressured local law enforcement, who were against the idea.”

What’s that phrase? Oh, yeah: “The people vs. the powerful.” Kind of like the treatment they gave gay rights protesters at the White House last week. The riot squad ain’t on the side of the people . . . .


The most terrifying words I’ve seen written so far about the growing crisis in Greece were penned by Yves Smith yesterday: “So the whole idea that the financial crisis was over is being called into doubt. Recall that the Great Depression nadir was the sovereign debt default phase. And the EU’s erratic responses (obvious hesitancy followed by finesses rather than decisive responses) is going to prove even more detrimental as the Club Med crisis grinds on.”

The Great Depression was composed of two separate panics. As you can see from contemporary accounts–and I highly recommend that anyone who is interested in the Great Depression read the archives of that blog along with Benjamin Roth’s diary of the Great Depression–in 1930 people thought they’d seen the worst of things.

I hope that history isn’t repeating itself.

MORT ZUCKERMAN: Obama’s Jerusalem Stonewall. “From the start of his presidency, Mr. Obama has undermined Israel’s confidence in U.S. support.”

IMMIGRATION: Dems Replaying May 2006 Tactic? “This plan is one of extreme provocation, and if the right allows itself to get sucked into it all -and defined by the left and the press – then the left will have won a huge PR battle, and that is the win they want.”

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: Why ‘tea party’ defenders won’t let N-word claims rest. “‘A bright line was crossed on the 20th,’ says Christina Botteri, a spokeswoman for the Tea Party Federation. ‘The left constantly attacks conservatives as racist, as dumb, as evil, but what happened on the 20th is a sitting congressman, with the full voice and credibility of the House of Representatives, accused a group of citizens with whom he philosophically disagrees of assault and then refused to help find the persons responsible. They need to help us find the people responsible or apologize for making it up’.”

Plus this:

Some in the mainstream press have conceded tea partyers may have a point. Washington Post reporter David Weigel has said the March 20 incident is a “paradigm shift” that shows conservatives how the media accept attacks on the right without doing due diligence. Politico’s Ben Smith, who keeps a close eye on the tea party movement, Tweeted a response to Breitbart about the lack of takers on the bounty: “I think you’ve pretty much won this one, no?”


UPDATE: Reader Bob Tarone writes: “Although relatively balanced, the CSM article repeats the lie Representative Carson told the press about the CBC members being surrounded by a horde of tea party supporters (such that Carson thought they might throw rocks!). The numerous videos posted by Breitbart and others clearly show that the tea party crowd never even closed in on the Congressmen (who looked like they walked as close as possible to protesters, perhaps to provoke an incident) as they passed through a clear open aisle through the crowd. If Carson lied about being surrounded (which is undeniable), why should he be believed about the N-word?”


FASTER, PLEASE: “Scottish scientists have made cancer tumours vanish within 10 days by sending DNA to seek and destroy the cells.”