Archive for March, 2010

JAMES PETHOKOUKIS: Obama And America’s 20-Year Bust. “America faced a similar turning point a generation ago. During the Jimmy Carter years, the Malthusian, Limits to Growth crowd argued that natural-resource constraints meant Americans would have to lower their economic expectations and accept economic stagnation — or worse. Carter more or less accepted an end to American Exceptionalism, but the 1980 presidential election showed few of his countrymen did. They chose growth economics and the economy grew. Now they face another choice.”

Related: The United States of Argentina?

ARE TEA PARTIERS ungrateful?

WILLIAM JACOBSON: Daily Caller a failure. Nah, they got Treacher. You gotta consider that a success.

TOM SMITH ON ISRAELIS AND OBAMA: Plus this advice from the comments: “Israel should treat Obama in the same [way] the federal workforce treats Republican Presidents… as someone who be gone in just a few short years.”

Plus, bad reviews from Lawrence Eagleburger.

IN CALIFORNIA? Majority of D.A.s in state oppose Obama nominee. “Forty-two of California’s 58 county district attorneys are opposing President Obama’s nomination of Goodwin Liu to the federal appeals court in San Francisco, saying they believe the UC Berkeley law professor is hostile to the death penalty.”


“Mein Fuhrer, set the wayback machine for 1905!”

UPDATE: I see that Charles did eventually figure out that it was a Tennessee flag, not some sort of “neo-Nazi” emblem. But, you know, seeing neo-Nazis behind every bush deserves a bit of mockery. The Tea Party movement is not a neo-Nazi front, however much some might wish to make it so.

Meanwhile, reader George Kinney thinks the Tennessee flag is a crypto-confederate emblem — I guess because it has stars, and is red white and blue, and stuff. Nobody tell these folks!

GREG GUTFELD: “Look, this debate is basic: it’s small government vs. big government. So how cowardly do folks like Blood and Frank Rich have to be that they can’t man up and defend their love for collectivism? The only reason they scream race, is because that debate scares them. They know a racial accusation prevents dialogue, because such a harmful charge far outweighs any benefits of winning an argument.”

UPDATE: Reader Paul Strasser writes that the answer to bogus racism charges is a question: “Do you honestly think any of us would be FOR Obamacare if he was white?”

FROM HANS BADER, A WARNING: Republicans will lose many seats in Congress due to right-wing paranoia about the census. “The number of Congressional districts a state gets is based on how many of its citizens return completed census forms. Because voters in conservative states are completing and returning census forms at lower rates than voters in liberal states, conservative states will lose many seats in the House of Representatives that they would otherwise gain due to increases in their population.”

UPDATE: Just use sampling.

ANOTHER UPDATE: A reader emails: “This works both ways. Don’t discount conservatives in blue districts and states like mine also neglecting to return their census forms. Not that this conservative would do something so devious!” That’s just wrong.

HMM: UK ‘Climategate’ inquiry largely clears scientists. “Phil Willis, the committee’s chairman, said of the e-mails that ‘there’s no denying that some of them were pretty appalling.’ But the committee found no evidence of anything beyond ‘a blunt refusal to share data,’ adding that the idea that Jones was part of a conspiracy to hide evidence that weakened the case for global warming was clearly wrong.” So, is this right, or is it a whitewash? Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Reader Robert Lederman writes:

From the body of the article to which you linked (emphasis mine):

“Lawmakers stressed that their report—which was written after only a single day of oral testimony—did not cover all the issues.”

“Report” is not the word that springs immediately to (my) mind to describe an effort such as this.

Well, stay tuned.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Prof. Stephen Clark emails:

Bear in mind that this committee does not speak for two pending investigations. It is not clear from the story what this committee’s relationship is to those two investigations that remain ongoing. Moreover, the issue isn’t whether “global warming is happening and that it is induced by human activity” versus the implied “global warming isn’t happening or isn’t caused by human activity”. The question has been primarily the extent to which it is, and it is, with respect to the former proposition, and most importantly the following: Was the data treated properly? Was the data analyzed properly? Is the existing data significant in supporting any of the existing mathematical models, and to what extent?

More important than any judgment of Jones and his collaborators in this matter is whether all of the data and associated documentation is made public and available for independent analysis, and that this should be so for all similar work going forward. If policy prescriptions involving potentially trillions of dollars over many years are to rest on matters of science then there should be absolutely no secret with regard to the science or the scientists involved: absolute transparency should be the standard.

Well, stay tuned.