Archive for 2009

PASSING THE SMELL TEST: “A dog’s sniff helped put Curvis Bickham in jail for eight months. Now that the case against him has been dropped, he wants to tell the world that the investigative technique that justified his arrest smells to high heaven.”


CHANGE: Business Bankruptcy Filings Increased 7% in October. “Business bankruptcy filings jumped in October, reversing two consecutive months of declining commercial filings and indicating that bankruptcies could continue to rise as the economy struggles to stabilize.”

PERSONAL CHEMISTRY: “Every day we’re exposed to thousands of man-made chemicals, some of which seep into our bodies and remain there for decades. What that means for our health, we don’t fully understand–but I subjected myself to a battery of new tests in search of answers.”

HOUSE REPUBLICANS show hypocrisy on earmarks. This is no way to win back a majority, guys. Especially with Tea Partiers coming to DC tomorrow.

STUDY: Lots of local, green electricity possible for most of the U.S. I’m skeptical, as most green promises tend not to live up to the hype. But I’d like it to be true.

UPDATE: Charles Austin writes: “Your comment on the latest green promises would seem to be a variant on how we ended up with President Obama, as so many from Ann Althouse on down are discovering now.” Well, it’s important to distinguish between what’s probably true, and what we’d like to be true — but human beings often conflate the two.

AN EMBARRASSMENT: Harvard Alum Accused of Arson. “A recent Harvard Law School graduate has been accused of setting fire to a New York City chapel that houses the remains of unidentified victims of the 9/11 attacks, leading to public outrage from the victims’ families.”

TRAFFIC CAMERAS VOTED DOWN in College Station, Texas. Actually, they pretty much always lose when they’re put to a vote, which is why city fathers try to proceed by indirection.