Archive for 2009

STILL ONE MORE DAY — well, until tonight, anyway — for overnight shipping via Amazon. Interestingly, they’re offering local express delivery in select cities for orders placed tomorrow. But only a few big metropolitan areas.



JOEL KOTKIN: The Green Movement’s People Problem. “The movement needs to break with the deep-seated misanthropy that dominates green politics and has brought it to this woeful state.”

RON BAILEY ON The Cultural Contradictions of Anti-Nuke Environmentalists. “Why do environmentalists reject a good bet for renewable energy?”

Plus, from Peter Suderman, Solar Power Is Wonderful, Really, Except When You Build It Anywhere Near Anything.

If you’re going to tell me that carbon dioxide is an unparalleled catastrophe for this planet, you’ve got to be willing to demonstrate your sincerity by, you know, endorsing other forms of energy. Otherwise, I’m inclined to think you’re a lying opportunist or something.

VERONIQUE DE RUGY: The Bipartisan Threat: “I have always said that the word bipartisan has a very scary meaning in Washington, D.C. Here is more evidence: Faced with a massive amount of federal debt and future spending that is about to explode, Sens. Judd Gregg (R., N.H.) and Kent Conrad (D., N.D.) decided that instead of cutting spending and forcing the bloated government to slim down, they would introduce legislation creating a bipartisan task force that would try to cut down the deficit.”

To me, bipartisanship means tarring and feathering politicans from both major parties. . .

CHRISTMAS SPECIALS on home appliances.

CROWDSOURCING the Contract With America 2.0. Hey, you can’t rely on the GOP leadership to come up with this stuff . . . .