Archive for 2009

AT THE WASHINGTON POST, BOOK WARS. And, from the comments, this:

Why are Huttner and Salzman given a Washington Post blog to respond to criticisms from a third party website? Has Steven Levingston ever given over the keyboard to a conservative author so s/he can respond to the numerous criticisms of what s/he wrote?

Moreover, how stupid does Levingston have to be to uncritically accept the authors’ claims that “The book rises above partisanship” when its title explicitly endorses helping Obama?

Perhaps with the time Mr. Levingston saved by having these authors write a completely self-serving post, he could actually try finding someone at the Post to write just one review of the several conservative books dominating the bestseller list.

Helping Obama isn’t partisan. It’s “service.” Gleichschaltung!

INSTAVISION: I talk with Mark Levin about Liberty and Tyranny, the Tea Party movement, Obama’s speech, and whether conservatives and libertarians need a “leader.” Plus, I offer an apology to Talk Radio.

Picture 40

I’M PRETTY SURE THEY’RE FALLING INTO A TRAP: ACORN Sues Hidden-Camera Filmmakers, It should be fun to do discovery on this one.

Plus, from the A.P., How the ACORN ‘pimp and hooker’ videos came to be.

UPDATE: Reid Refuses to Hold ACORN Hearings.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Politico: Barney Frank Turns Against Acorn.

MORE: Ann Althouse:

Yes, it’s almost as if the real point of the videos was to provoke a lawsuit that would open ACORN to the legal intrusions of discovery. And of course, Giles and O’Keefe will get even more publicity, and it shouldn’t be hard for them to attract aggressive legal counsel and a hefty litigation fund.

Breitbart really does seem to have planned this out like Hari Seldon. Or maybe he’s The Mule . . . .

DAVID POST: Should Lawmakers, Um, Read the Laws They’re Voting On?

Sounds like something you’d ask in a third-grade civics class. But an odd editorial in today’s Washington Post, takes to task “a group of well-meaning professional activists — and, so far, over nearly 60,000 online petitioners” who have demanded that members of Congress sign a pledge “never to vote on any bill unless they have read every word of it.” While the activists “have a point,” the Post concedes, their “proposal would bring government to a standstill.”

That’s not a bug, it’s a feature . . . .

WORRIED ABOUT DEBT? This chart won’t make you feel better. But remember — if something can’t go on forever, it won’t.

WATER on the Moon.

INSTA-POLL: The Condi discussion had some readers ask me to run this. I’m not even sure who should be on this poll, so send suggestions and I’ll re-run it with more names later.

Who would you most favor as GOP nominee in 2012?
Mike Huckabee
Sarah Palin
Condi Rice
Mitt Romney
Bob Corker
Other free polls

SINGULARITY UPDATE: Machines could ultimately match human intelligence, says Intel CTO. “The notion of a technological ‘singularity,’ a time when machines match and surpass human intellect, has been popularized by thinkers such as inventor and author Raymond Kurzweil, who commonly cites Moore’s Law in his arguments about the exponential growth of technology. Rattner’s views on the singularity are sought after, given that he is CTO of the world’s biggest chipmaker and the head of Intel Labs, the company’s primary research arm.”

GREGG EASTERBROOK: Embrace Human Cloning.

Human clones, it is widely assumed, would be monstrous perversions of nature. Yet chances are, you already know one. Indeed, you may know several and even have dated a clone. They walk among us in the form of identical twins: people who share exact sets of DNA. Such twins almost always look alike and often have similar quirks. But their minds, experiences, and personalities are different, and no one supposes they are less than fully human. And if identical twins are fully human, wouldn’t cloned people be as well?

Suppose scientists could create a clone from an adult human: It would probably be more distinct from its predecessor than most identical twins are from each other. A clone from a grown-up would have the same DNA but would come into the world as a gurgling baby, not an instant adult, as in sci-fi. The clone would go through childhood and adolescence with the same life-shaping unpredictability as any kid.

Indeed. This takes me back to the very earliest days of InstaPundit.

TRANSPARENCY! Democrats nix putting pre-vote health bill online. “Senate Finance Committee Democrats have rejected a GOP amendment that would have required a health overhaul bill to be available online for 72 hours before the committee votes.”

They want to ram this stinker through before anyone knows what they’re voting on. Hey, it’s worked before! (Via JWF).