Archive for 2009

CQ POLITICS: Honeymoon Over: It’s On Obama’s Watch Now. “The biggest public concern is over the size of the deficit being run up by Obama’s economic recovery proposals and how much more it will rise if his plan to overhaul health care and increase coverage for uninsured Americans is enacted. But there is also discomfort about his intervention in the auto industry and taking a big government stake in ownership of General Motors. And voters also disagree with Obama on closing Guantánamo.”


STRANGE AND DIRTY BEDFELLOWS: I talk with YouTube star Anne McKinney about taxes and politics. And note the cool “Mad Scientist” virtual set.



Mr. Dodd’s ability to carry the regulatory bill has been weakened by his political standing in Connecticut, Democratic officials say. His support has fallen in part because of his perceived closeness to American International Group Inc., a big campaign contributor. He also was pilloried for receiving a low-interest loan from failed mortgage giant Countrywide.

Indeed. I’m guessing that this won’t help:

On both Dodd loans, someone at Countrywide had scrawled “VIP” and “FOA” on documents. “FOA” is a reference to Friends of Angelo Mozilo, then the chief executive of Countrywide. Mozilo built Countrywide into a financial powerhouse, but in recent years allowed the business to be undermined by losses on unsustainable, high-risk loans.

Dodd has said repeatedly he doesn’t know Mozilo and got loan terms that were generally available to the public.

Well, that’s credible.

MICKEY KAUS: “John Edwards thinks he can come back. And somehow in theoretically humble disgrace comes off as smugger and phonier than ever! . . . Who was the editor who decided to call this piece ‘Hope from a Humbler Perch’ instead of, say, ‘In Defeat, Edwards Left String of Broken Promises’?”

MICHAEL TOTTEN: Ahmadinejad: A Man Of The Cities. “Cities everywhere in the world are more broadly liberal and cosmopolitan than small towns and villages. Rural areas in the Middle East are often startlingly conservative, especially from the point of view of Western visitors like me and my colleagues in the media. This does not mean, however, that country people are more likely to support fascist political movements. Egypt’s Bedouin, for instance, are far more open-minded about and friendly toward Jews and Israelis than are the denizens of cities like Cairo. Backers of the Iraqi insurgency were based primarily in urban areas like Baghdad, Ramadi, and Fallujah. And as Nate Silver documents with hard data at FiveThirtyEight, even in 2005 most of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s supporters lived in Iranian cities, not the countryside.”

MSNBC: Poll: Public increasingly concerned about deficit. “As the young Obama administration spends trillions of dollars in its effort to turn around the nation’s economy and revive the U.S. auto industry, the American public is growing concerned about the size of the budget deficit and the government’s intervention into the private sector, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds. Nearly seven in 10 have serious reservations about the federal government’s ownership stake in General Motors. Almost 60 percent say that President Obama and Congress should worry more about keeping the deficit down — even if that means it will take longer for the economy to recover. And fewer than half of Americans have confidence in the president’s policies to improve the economy.”

Gee, why would they be concerned?

IT’S NOT JUST WALPIN: 3 Questionable Inspector-General Firings. “One of the other IGs is Neil Barofsky, tasked with watching over the financial stimulus spending.”

Hope and change!

TAXPROF: Obama Digs in on Smith Nomination to Head DOJ Tax Division. “Smith acknowledged that she never focused on tax law in private practice, written any law review articles on the subject, or taken any continuing legal education classes on tax law.”

MARK LEVIN’S LIBERTY AND TYRANNY is still #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. Via email, I hear that there are 1,047,000 copies in print. It’s been the #1 bestseller for 11 of the 12 past weeks.