Archive for 2009

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, MINISTERS OF TRUTH: “It is quite astounding that the mainstream liberal media — NY Times, Washington Post, NPR, PBS, Time, Newsweek, etc. — has simply offered no substantive criticism of Obama’s flips on renditions, military tribunals, wiretaps, intercepts, Iraq, or — given their past fury over the Bush deficits — the Obama plan to run up more red ink in a year than Bush did in eight. . . . Quite scary, all this chest-thumping about tough journalistic integrity of 2001-8 suddenly devolving into, ‘Hey everyone, we can reassure you that the Emperor really does have clothes on.'”

HAS ANYBODY SEEN SANDY BERGER LATELY? Sensitive Data Missing From National Archives. “The National Archives lost a computer hard drive containing massive amounts of sensitive data from the Clinton administration, including Social Security numbers, addresses, and Secret Service and White House operating procedures, congressional officials said Tuesday.” Nothing in the story to suggest that there’s any connection to Norman Hsu’s conviction. But some people should be fired based on what it says about data security. Prediction: No one will be.

JESSE WALKER: The Swine Flu panic that wasn’t. “The fear of panic—actual panic—has shaped public policy in unfortunate ways. During a disaster, it’s not uncommon for officials to hold useful information close to their vests because they don’t want to ‘spread panic,’ even though nine decades of research have established that the public almost always remains calm in such a crisis. . . . It’s not as though there haven’t been any destructive overreactions to the H1N1 flu. It’s just that they’ve come from officials, not the general public. “

FROM FRANK J., a meditation on America’s future. “Republicans have the potential for lots of gains by taking a strong stance against ape-men and killer robots.”

SWINE FLU VACCINE looking harder.

DAVID BERNSTEIN ON MEDICAL INNOVATION: “I don’t have the expertise to discuss the various health care reform proposals that are being bandied about, but I do know that it’s important to ensure that whatever is implemented doesn’t interfere with innovation. Consider my own immediate family.”

HSU, HSU, HSUSIE, GOODBYE: Norman Hsu convicted. “Norman Hsu, a former top fund-raiser for the Democratic Party and convicted Ponzi scheme operator, was found guilty Tuesday of illegally funneling tens of thousands of dollars to candidates for federal office by pressuring investors to donate to his favored candidates.”

TOM MAGUIRE: Here we go! “Walter Pincus commences the drumbeat for allowing CIA interrogation techniques beyond those allowed in the Army Field Manual. That is my call for the Obama flip-flop of the summer, so it’s nice to see the CIA Leak Brigade make the expected appearance.”

Remember: Fierce moral urgency!

NICK GILLESPIE: Even Gov. Arnold Won’t Defend His Record/Ballot Initiatives in Today’s Special Election in California! “There’s a big special election today in California, aimed at trying to save the sinking fiscal ship that is the Golden State. O Captain, O Captain, where can you be? Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, rebuffed with extreme prejudice a few years back during a different slate of ballot initiatives, has opted to leave the state for a photo-op with President Barack Obama.”