NEWSPAPER STOCKS ARE RISING: On rumors of a government bailout, perhaps?
Archive for 2009
September 17, 2009
MORE 9/12 CROWD DATA. “The latest sourced information on the 9/12 crowd points to a lower bound of at least half a million.”
FRANK J. FLEMING: Why Are Liberals Still Angry?
September 16, 2009
A PARABLE FOR OUR TIMES: They thought it was about free health care, but it was actually a mugging.
They were well-dressed when they knocked on the door of a Huntington home last month and said they had information about President Barack Obama’s health care plan. That’s how they got inside to commit a violent home invasion on Aug. 29, a Suffolk prosecutor said Monday. A woman who lives at the house answered the door and said she would take one of the pamphlets. That’s when Thompson, 31, of Brooklyn and Desir, 26, of Nyack forced their way inside, Kurtzrock said.
Beware of strange men promising free medical care.
HEH: Wait ‘Til All The Young People Who Supported Obama Find Out That They Are The Ones Who’ll Be Funding Health Care Reform. “Yes, kids, why don’t each of you throw about $800 into the pot and get nothing out of it, not even any insurance. Do your part. Remember what Obama said about being responsible.”
JOE PAPPALARDO: Why NASA Should Bomb the Moon to Find Water. It all makes sense, but somehow I sense the creeping influence of Frank J. I find that . . . disturbing.
INSTAVISION: I talk to Sen. Bob Corker about the Tea Parties, the ACORN scandals, the healthcare bill, and the debt limit vote, where he predicts fireworks. Plus: Will he run in 2012?
MEGAN MCARDLE: “It is perfectly true that if the races had been reversed, Al Sharpton would probably be out there saying this was a symptom of America’s lynching culture, and also perfectly irrelevant. The response to Al Sharpton’s antics is not to emulate them. Race-baiting is not a team sport that anyone should want to join.” Though lately it seems that way. . . .
UPDATE: Meh. Read the transcript. Limbaugh bit is obvious parody, which Dreher didn’t catch, and Megan didn’t notice that he didn’t catch, and I didn’t notice that Megan — oh, never mind. Anyway, much ado about nothing much.
ON HIDDEN CAMERAS, ACORN, and double standards at the L.A. Times.
A BUNCH OF new Blu-Ray releases.
JAMES PETHOKOUKIS: Obama Risks Trade War to Help Union Allies. “Hard truth: When it came time for Obama to choose between his political allies on one hand and America’s economic allies (and consumers) on the other, he chose the former this time.”
SELF-RELIANCE: A look at the new homesteaders.
When SEIU folks are shown on video beating up a black man in a parking lot after your town hall, when you’re caught on tape giving a top secret press conference and you totally fumble when asked about said beating, when your party is implicated in calling in the muscle to stifle dissent, the last thing you do is, say, hire SEIU’s former media person.
Unless you’re Russ Carnahan.
WILL COLLIER: More Mush From The Wimp:
For everybody old enough to remember what life was like under Jimmy’s stupefying mixture of sophomoric self-righteousness, boundless naivete and gobsmacking incompetence, shoving Mr. Peanut back under the spotlight in his bitter dotage does nothing to help Obama, who’s been looking like Carter II since a few hours after his inauguration.
And for those too young to remember history’s greatest monster (thanks, Glenn), Jimmah’s empty slander is just another sign of the unbecoming moral vanity at the heart of the modern Left, to say nothing of its overweening intolerance for any hint of dissent. People know good and well that being opposed to socialized medicine or trillion-dollar deficits doesn’t make them racist. Calling them ugly names isn’t going to make them cower away in fear–it’s going to make them more convinced than ever that they’re in the right.
UPDATE: Some background on the title for those who don’t remember it, which would be pretty much anyone a day younger than me.
CITIZEN JOURNALISTS: Doing the job the “professionals” wouldn’t do.
As Jon Stewart said about the professional journalists on this, “I’m a fake journalist and I’m embarrassed for them!”
JAMES TARANTO: Obama and Acorn: Is there a case for a special prosecutor? “Obama worked for Acorn and Acorn worked for Obama. That doesn’t mean the president is implicated in any wrongdoing, but it suggests at least that the worse things get for Acorn, the more embarrassing it is for him. If the Justice Department fails to prosecute, it invariably would raise suspicions of political favoritism.”
PJTV: The first of my interviews from the Quincy Tea Party is up.
WOW: Breaking: ACORN Suspends Operations. The first comment: “Thank you Citizen journalist!”
REMEMBERING Uncle Myron’s Cadillac.
MICHAEL SILENCE: So much for diversity: “There’s one black among the Atlantic’s top 50 most-influential commentators. Thirty-eight of them are white males. Hmmmmmm. Haven’t some of them been playing the race card?”
JOHN NOLTE: How Jay Leno Can Get Better Reviews.
The Justice Department has declared that President Obama can disregard a law forbidding State Department officials from attending United Nations meetings led by representatives of nations considered to be sponsors of terrorism. . . . In the new opinion, David Barron, the acting head of the Office of Legal Counsel, wrote that the statute — a restriction Congress imposed in the State Department’s annual budget bill — “unconstitutionally infringes on the president’s authority to conduct the nation’s diplomacy, and the State Department may disregard it.”
His opinion cites many examples of previous administrations of both parties taking a similar view. Among them, Mr. Bush used signing statements to instruct the State Department to interpret identical restrictions as “advisory” rather than mandatory, and his administration sent officials to a Development Program meeting in January.
When Bush did this kind of stuff, it was evidence of tyranny. Now, it’s just business as usual. Everybody does it!
Lots of people who voted for Obama believed that his election would reflect the extent to which Americans had moved beyond racism. That was part of why some people voted for him. Little did we realize that it would turn every criticism of the President into an occasion to make an accusation of racism. Racism is revolting, but so is the notion that we aren’t allowed to criticize a President!
Jimmy Carter’s supremely sleazy accusation requires a solid, sound rebuke. It is an effort to place the President of the United States beyond criticism. . . . And since demanding apologies is all the rage, let me say that I would like the wizened old husk of a former President to beg our forgiveness.
Ouch. Read the whole thing. And I’ll note that some of us predicted this before the election.