CONFERENCE TACTICS leave deep House resentment.
Archive for 2009
February 13, 2009
IT’S NOT JANE AUSTEN: Census and Censibility.
IS IT PITCHFORK TIME? Dang, I don’t own a pitchfork. Oh well, they’re not too expensive. Maybe mail a bunch to Congress, first . . . .
DAN RIEHL: Will The Media Stoop To Lying To Protect Obama?
Given his multiple self-inflicted wounds, from Richardson to Geithner to Daschle to Killefer to Gregg, it seems kind of hard to blame his problems on the GOP. I mean, was Michael Steele behind the Caterpillar gaffe? Efforts to blame the hapless Republicans for Obama’s problems look like a sign of weakness to me.
I MEANT TO LINK THIS YESTERDAY: Court rules autism not caused by MMR vaccines.
FREEDOM: Walesa banned, Wilders detained.
POLITICO: Projected Job Numbers Don’t Add Up. “A White House estimate of the number of jobs stimulus legislation will create includes some sharp discrepancies between state and local jobs claims.” Probably just rounding errors!
RICK MORAN ON THE GREGG WITHDRAWAL: “The issue of the Census director reporting directly to the White House means that Gregg, as commerce secretary, would lose control of one of the major programs in the department. By, in effect, politicizing the Census, the Obama administration is throwing down the gauntlet and risking an all out war with congressional Republicans over the fruits of the national head count; redistricting the 535 congressional districts to reflect changes in population and the allocation of billions in federal spending. . . . Is this the real reason that Gregg decided to withdraw? Perhaps he felt he was being set up to be the front man for a Census that could cripple the Republican party for years to come and wanted no part of it. We may never know.”
MICKEY KAUS: “Democrats down to the bare-minimum 60 votes on the stimulus in the Senate? . . . Hmm. Filibustering Republicans would have a lot to talk about! My guess is the longer the bill stays un-passed, the more sordid details will come out and the greater the chance that it will be pecked to death.” Judging by the way they’ve tried to rush this through, Pelosi and Reid agree.
Michelle Obama said: “You’re getting $600. What can you do with that? Not to be ungrateful or anything. But maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn’t pay down every bill every month.”
Oh wait. She was talking about President Bush’s $600 stimulus last year, and not her husband’s $600 stimulus this year.
Well, they are completely different.
BOOMER BUST: Saying goodbye to the Great Indoors.
February 12, 2009
JIM ROGERS: Geithner doesn’t know what he’s doing. That certainly seems to be the markets’ opinion.
CELEBRATING PRESIDENT’S DAY WITH half-price men’s clothing. Hmm. I guess the New York Times headline would be Women and Children Excluded from President’s Day Observations.
WHO BELONGS TO THE Investor Class?
PRAY YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS took speed-reading lessons.
THE “STIMULUS:” Nobody’s read it, but they’ll vote on it tomorrow. So much for that promise to put bills online for 48 hours before voting. If they did that, they’d lose votes on this stinker, and they know it. On the other hand, there’s something appropriate about holding this vote on Friday the 13th. . . .
UPDATE: “Congressional Offices Don’t Have the Stimulus Bill, Lobbyists Do.”
ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Thomas Prewitt writes: “Since they haven’t had time to appropriately review the spending bill, the Republicans in Congress should vote ‘present.'”
JIM GERAGHTY: Without Kennedy and with Gregg, the Stimulus Is at 60 Votes. “Guess what, Sens. Snowe, Specter, and Collins? You are providing the decisive votes.”
Also, this one:
Getting warmer, but neither is enough of a personal attack on a member of Congress to really live up to Mickey’s suggestion.
UPDATE: An anti-stimulus video featuring Charlie Rangel.
MATT WELCH: Time to Bail Out the Washington Post?
CAR LUST: The Hudson Jet. What is it about cars from this era?