HEALTH CARE “REFORM” — WHAT’S WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? “Stormy weather in Congress is threatening President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, but some see a silver lining: the lobbyists are still mostly on board.”
Archive for 2009
July 25, 2009
TOM MAGUIRE: ‘Sorry’ Seems To Be The Hardest Word. Plus, “So – do feminists and domestic violence experts agree that if the man of the house shouts at the cops that everything is cool so get out, the cops should simply leave?”
POST-RACIAL AMERICA (CONT’D): A hate crime in East Austin. ‘The brick, thrown through a 4-year-old boy’s bedroom window, read ‘Keep Eastside Black. Keep Eastside Strong.'”
THIS AFTERNOON: The Richmond Tea Party. Stacy McCain will be there, saying “Don’t Get Angry, Get Organized!” Always good advice.
UPDATE: Well, not really. Smart PR people don’t generally go after bloggers, as this tends to attract other bloggers to the story . . . .
THE RELIGIOUS QUALITY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EXTREMISM: I think that people start with a desire to be extremists — or, at least, to feel good about themselves and condemn others — and then look around for an ideology that gives them what they want. The actual merits are far less important, as is demonstrated by the transparent idiocy of most ideologies.
ALAN BOYLE: See Jupiter’s Great Black Spot. Cool pic of the impact spot on Jupiter, taken by the newly-operational Hubble Wide Field Camera. Thanks, astronaut repair-crew!
Plus this: “One big question about the impact is: Why didn’t we see this coming? What does this say about our ability to detect potential killer asteroids or comets before they hit Earth? . . . The good news is that Jupiter acts as something of a gravitational vacuum cleaner, sucking in deep-space impacts that might otherwise whack Earth. The bad news is that much more needs to be done to detect potentially harmful space rocks, and draw up a plan to protect our planet when (not if) we find one. In that sense, Jupiter’s black eye serves as a warning that we better put up our dukes.”
JOHN STOSSEL: War is peace. Up is down.
THE PATH NOT TAKEN: Victor Davis Hanson imagines Obama’s first six months, had Obama acted like a moderate and not a lefty.
YEAH, THAT’S A SMART BUSINESS PLAN: Associated Press Goes to War with Search Engines and Blogs. Because who wants all that yucky web traffic, anyway?
UPDATE: From the comments: “Next up, Agatha Christie sues the Dewey Decimal System.”
July 24, 2009
60 STORMTROOPERS walk onto the terrace.
UPDATE: C.J. Burch succumbs to a geek crush.
DAVID FREDDOSO: Will Obamacare Euthanize Granny? No. Well, certainly not if she’s made the proper campaign contributions. . . .
IF HEALTHCARE IS A “RIGHT,” why does it depend on what the government says you can have? “Now, imagine if the government had a body of experts charged with figuring out what your free-speech rights are, or your right to assemble, or worship. Mr. Jones, you can say X and Y, but not Z. Ms. Smith, you can freely assemble with Aleutians, Freemasons, and carpenters, but you may not meet in public with anyone from Cleveland or of Albanian descent. Mrs. Wilson, you may pray to Vishnu and Crom, but never to Allah or Buddha, and when you do pray, you cannot do so for longer than 20 minutes at a time, unless it is one of several designated holidays. Please see Extended Prayer Form 10–22B.”
ROGER SIMON: Gates, and Obama’s nostalgia for racism. “The problem is that this nostalgia not only blames people unfairly, it also increases the very thing it pretends to oppose – racism itself. The unfair or inaccurate imputation of racism promotes racism.” Of course, that increases the power of people who trade on charges of racism . . . .
THIS KEEPS HAPPENING: ACORN Holds Pro-Obamacare Rally… Tea Party Breaks Out.
Uh, guys? You might want to try a different slogan . . . .
WELL, thanks!
ENERGY WASTING BUREAUCRATS at the Department of Energy. They’re, like, the Tim Geithners of thermostats or something. . . .
A BUMPER STICKER FOR THE AGE OF OBAMA: “I support the President but I am against all his policies.” Plus a new spin on an old anti-war slogan . . . .
MICKEY KAUS: “A secret conversation on “JournoList” apparently produces eerily similar arguments against the filibuster from Ezra Klein and Matthew Yglesias. Except Yglesias goes on to make some quirky and sophisticated points about the effects of filibusterless democracy on campaigning and on the welfare state, while Klein’s reads like a prize-winning high school essay. (Also, Klein hides the JournoList connection, while Yglesias is transparent about it.)”
TOMORROW: A Richmond Tea Party.