Archive for 2009

JERRY POURNELLE: “The present administration seems determined to continue its policies while protesting that cutting the deficit is of primary importance. One wonders how we can increase spending and cut the deficit. The only way I know is to run the printing presses. We live in interesting times. I thought Weimar Germany already ran that experiment; apparently they don’t teach much history now. The Health Care Bill will now be debated. The price of getting enough votes even to debate it was billions in new deficits. I do not know what the final result will be, but adopting that bill in any form will make the deficit higher, and runaway inflation even more likely.”


RADLEY BALKO: Bernard Baran served 22 years on dubious child molestation charges, but the prosecutor who convicted him was promoted to judge. “In this case, prosecutor Daniel Ford, now a judge on the Massachusetts Superior Court, showed the grand jury that indicted Baran an edited video interview with the children. According to court documents, the video shows several kids alleging that Baran had sexually abused them. Edited out was footage in which some of the children denied any abuse by Baran, interviewees accused other members of the day care faculty of abuse or of witnessing abuse, and, most important, interrogators asked the same questions over and over—even after repeated denials—until a child gave them an affirmative answer. Some children were even given rewards for their answers. ”

Read the whole thing.

GADGETS THAT I LIKE: We’ve had the universal package opener for quite a while now, and while it’s not perfect, it’s close. It lives in the kitchen drawer and gets used all the time.

Another one that we’ve had for a while is this light bulb changer, which makes changing bulbs in high fixtures a lot easier. Every couple of years I have to get a new one as the suction-cup rubber hardens with age, but it’s worth it.

Unfortunately, bulbs in the chandelier in the foyer go in upside-down, so you can’t use this for that. I keep thinking of getting a winch installed to lower it, but that would probably be prohibitively expensive. Though kind of cool.

UPDATE: A couple of readers recommend the Giraffe system. Not as cool as a motorized winch, but . . . .

HOT AIR: “According to a report from Ohio today, a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has asked the ACORN-tainted Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, to investigation ACORN’s voter registration work in the state.” Hot Air does lots of dot-connecting.


In response to the Columbia Journalism Review’s accusing me of “blackmailing” the Attorney General of the United States, I must take notice that the mainstream media as a journalistic establishment IS paying attention to the ongoing ACORN scandal. Good. I thought so.

What the Columbia Journalism Review is doing is very similar to what Media Matters is doing: protecting the Democrat-Media Complex, the natural alliance of the Democratic Party and the mainstream media. This ACORN investigation has been going on for two months and Hannah, James, and I have proven to be truth-tellers every step of the way, while the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now has been proven time and again to be liars.

And CJR has become harder and harder to distinguish from The Nation. Except that The Nation will, occasionally, take on the establishment.


GLENN BECK OFFERS a 100 year plan.

THEY’RE RALLYING AGAINST OBAMACARE AT THE L.A. FEDERAL BUILDING this afternoon. Reader Lowell Brown sends this pic.
