Archive for 2009

IS IT 1773? Or 1765?

SPEED CAMERAS IN TENNESSEE: “The Tennessee state Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday voted 9-0 to authorize the use of speed cameras in so-called ‘work zones’ on interstate highways. The vote was unusual in that state Senator Tim Burchett (R-Knoxville) presented his legislation as if it would prohibit the use of speed cameras, even though the actual legislative text has the opposite effect.”

TEA PARTIERS BOO REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN: “The message from folks in Greenville to Congressman Gresham Barrett was clear Friday evening: Voters are mad about the $700 billion bailout he voted for and the massive government stimulus package he is now supporting. Barrett, a Republican, attempted to speak before an estimated crowd of 4,000 people at a Post Tax Day Tea Party in the Upstate only to be greeted by boos from most everyone in attendance.” More here.

Meanwhile, look at these photos of lily-white protesters. But not at a Tea Party. . . .

GRISLY SLAYINGS BRING MEXICAN DRUG WAR TO U.S.: “Five men dead in an apartment. In a county that might see five homicides in an entire year, the call over the sheriff’s radio revealed little about what awaited law enforcement at a sprawling apartment complex. . . . Some of the men showed signs of torture: Burns seared into their earlobes revealed where modified jumper cables had been clamped as an improvised electrocution device. Adhesive from duct tape used to bind the victims still clung to wrists and faces, from mouths to noses.” I spent a fair amount of time in — well, near — Columbiana as a kid. It does seem a far cry from the Mexican drug wars, but they’ve come a long way.


“STILL SILENT:” I don’t generally tell other bloggers what to blog about. But for those who do, I guess turnabout is fair play.

UPDATE: From the comments: “The only way you’re going to get Sullivan to blog about this is if it suddenly comes out that Chavez is the actual father of Trig Palin.” Heh.

TEA PARTIES ARE STILL GOING ON: There was one in Battle Creek, Michigan today. Photos and report at the link.


A TEA PARTY PROTEST IN McMinnville, Tennessee. I hadn’t even heard of this until somebody emailed. I think there were a lot of these in small towns around the country. As Byron York noted, that these are happening in places where protests never happen is the big news.

IOWAHAWK: RED SCARE: “It could happen here!”


Plus, Let’s Play ‘Who Gave Chris Dodd More Money Than Connecticut Residents?’

And, Top Five Vulnerable Senate Seats. “Since his initial election to the Senate in 1980, Dodd has won re-election with percentages of 65, 59, 65 and 66. But Dodd has gotten some unfavorable reviews lately, first off reports that he received a sweetheart deal from Countrywide Mortgage, and then over the news of the role he played in the $165 million in bonuses given to executives of the American International Group (AIG) — the insurance giant that was bailed out by the federal government.” Plus that Irish “cottage” problem.