Archive for 2009

IN THE MAIL: From Joshua Elder, Mail Order Ninja.

THE GUARDIAN decodes Obama.


RICK MORAN on the Binghamton immigration center massacre.

Meanwhile, these thoughts are still relevant.

Plus, blaming cable news saturation coverage: “Once again the cable news programs are going wall to wall covering the latest mass shooting. All other programming is on hold. I’ve said this before. When the news shows do this they are guaranteeing the next atrocity. A twisted desire for fame and attention drives some of this. Recall that when the networks were having a problem with streakers at televised football games, they simply turned their cameras away. The problem evaporated. These mass shootings are a little more complicated, and news organizations cannot completely ignore them. But they don’t need to stop everything to cover them.”

If any other industry were similarly culpable and exploitive, the news media would pillory them as unfeeling profiteers.

Plus, police lameness? “Police said they arrived within two minutes. . . . Police heard no gunfire after they arrived but waited for about an hour before entering the building to make sure it was safe for officers.” Jeez.


So, I guess this leads to the next question, Mr. President. You say that there are pitchforks out there, and maybe there are. But are you really standing between them and the bankers?

Or are you trying to get the bankers to stand between them and you?

Read the whole thing.

UPDATE: Me And My Pitchfork.


WOMEN’S RAZOR AD: Mow the Lawn. “This UK TV commercial for the Wilkinson Sword Quattro for Women Bikini razor would probably stir up some serious controversy in the US.” Really? Well, maybe for the racial stereotypes.

SAYUNCLE: “I think it’s a good thing for liberals to arm themselves.”

PRIME TIME for astronomy.

IF ALL THE UNSOLD NEW CARS WERE ELECTRIC: “So I’m reading this Wall Street Journal article on surplus cars in storage and the thought occurs to me: If only these cars were all electric they could be used for grid load balancing while they were waiting to be sold. All those batteries could shift electric power from night to day.”