Archive for 2009

A BUNCH OF INTERESTING FOOD LINKS. Doesn’t everyone want to make their own pop tarts?

A “TEA PARTY” RALLY IN COLUMBUS, OHIO: Justin Binik-Thomas emails:

Ohio State Sovereignty Tea Party Sponsored by Ohio Liberty Council Scheduled 2 to 4

7000+ present

Surrounding streets closed Front lawn and walkways full
People still coming Will update photos throughout event

~1000 bussed in from around state

These Blackberry/iPhone gadgets do come in handy. Pic below. Looks like a crowd.


UPDATE: Another pic from Lisa Mathisen.


JOEL KOTKIN: Forget Second Stimulus: We Need Economic Vision. “Whatever the politics, no new stimulus should be considered unless it deals with the fundamental illness undermining the country’s long-term economic prospects. Such a stimulus would address the country’s essential problem: persistent overconsumption amid underproduction.”

AN “ADULT TOY” FOR DOGS. Really, you can’t make this up. Though I wish I were . . . . But hey, it’s all about kindness, really, and enlightened self-interest: “During the doll’s test period with a few canines, including the Maltese Flock (responsible for the idea), the pets showed a better quality of life based on less anxiety, less barking, and less territorial demarcation. In other words, the dogs live a better life, satisfying their repressed sexuality, in some cases for many years.” I don’t want to be the guy in charge of the “easy-to-clean reservoir,” though.

MORE CRITICISM OF HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH. Like the Canadian “human rights” officials, they give the whole subject a bad name.

CASH FOR CLUNKERS GOES CLUNK: The New York Times’ Kit Seelye writes: “The White House and Congress may be giving the ‘cash for clunkers’ program a reprieve, but one can’t help wondering how many dealers and customers will have the confidence to go forward at this point. Things sound like a total mess in the showrooms.”

FROM PRIMETIME TO PARODY in just one week.