Archive for 2009

THREATSWATCH: Regime Change Iran: Movement Seeks to Eliminate ‘Supreme Leader’ Position. “A report from Saudi Arabia’s al-Arabiya, Iranian clerics seek supreme leader alternative, indicates that Rafsanjani is seeking to eliminate the Supreme Leader. Not just the man, but the position and role presiding over Iranian politics and the Iranian society.” Note, too, the role of Sistani.

TIGERHAWK PRESENTS the grim economic chart of the day. “It basically shows how much economic growth would be required to return the unemployment rate to ‘only’ 6%.”

Of course, if Congress and the Administration knew they had to boost the economy or face hanging in a year they’d be cutting regulations and taxes like mad. That they aren’t doing so suggests that growth isn’t really their top priority.

UPDATE: Rand Simberg says it’s a case of economic Munchausen’s Syndrome by proxy.

MICKEY KAUS: “Like CNN, Twitter seems like a pretty joyless place–but like CNN used to be, it’s good in a crisis.”