Archive for 2009

SO, AFTER VARIOUS READER RECOMMENDATIONS I wound up replacing my old GPS with a Garmin 1390t. Haven’t had much of a chance to test out the traffic feature, but the first thing I noticed is that it acquires the satellites much faster than the old one, and calculates routes faster, too. Almost worth upgrading just for that.

A GENE FOR bad driving?

DEVAL PATRICK LOVES HIM SOME RED-LIGHT CAMERAS: And the campaign donations from red-light camera companies. (Via Michael Silence, who comments: “It’s nice to see some pols finally coming out and acknowledging the devices are cash cams.” In more ways than one!)


More here, and a (sort of) related interview with Virginia Postrel, here. And this piece by Virginia is related, too.

ROGER SIMON: “California Dreamin’” becomes “I Got the Blue State Blues.” “It’s almost as if we are living in Friedrich von Hayek’s posthumous joke. All our best intentions have gone to mush in a welter of competing, greedy interest groups. Now, according to Voegeli, and as every California commuter knows, even the state highway system in low taxes Texas is better than the world’s fabled first freeway system.”


Knoxville, Tennessee. The Crown & Goose, in the Old City.

AFP: One year on, Obamamania gives way to luke warm support.

A quick look around downtown Washington confirms that the Obama trinkets are still for sale, but more than one strategically placed street hawker have found little point in displaying the T-shirts, posters, and “Yes We Can” buttons bearing the new president’s image.

“They stay in the truck,” grumbled a vendor who identified himself as “Dick,” as he pointed to a rusty vehicle behind him. “They don’t sell anymore.”

Read the whole thing.

WSJ: Stimulus And The Jobless Recovery. “The unemployment rate, now at 9.8%, has continued to rise, and job losses have remained at high levels throughout the stimulus period. Few will be comforted by the good-news-only claim that the stimulus ‘created or saved’ over one million jobs.”

Well, it may or may not be a recovery, but it’s certainly jobless so far . . . .