Archive for 2009

OBAMACARE MIGHT GET TO 50% APPROVAL WITH this approach to preventive medicine: “A study by German scientists showed that 10 minutes a day of ogling women’s breasts by men was as good at warding off heart disease, high blood pressure and stress as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.”

UPDATE: The story appears to be a hoax. But I say, why take chances? If breast-ogling saves just one life, it’s worth it. . . .

SELF-REGULATED MORPHINE DELIVERY FOR WOUNDED SOLDIERS: “DARPA-funded nanotech drug automatically regulates its morphine dose on the battlefield.”

MICHAEL SILENCE: The NYT’s anti-social social media editor. “Doesn’t this seem just a wee bit of a contradiction? You assign someone to following a group of people, or movement, whose fundamental plank is transparency, but then you won’t be transparent as to who that is? . . . I’ve never heard of a newspaper having a Private Editor.”

GIVE US BACK OUR BULLETS: “One year after the Supreme Court struck down D.C.’s gun ban, big-city mayors are still working to keep citizens defenseless.”

FORGET NEIL YOUNG. I thought it was a play on this picture.


JAMES TARANTO: Secret Agent Editors. “The Obama administration, as we noted Wednesday, was supposed to usher in a new era of transparency in government, Instead we find ourselves in a new era of opacity, not only in government but in the media. The New York Times now employs secret agent editors.”