Archive for August, 2009

EDWARD VOORHEES: So how’s the Federal Reserve doing? “In other words, the value of the dollar remained extremely stable for 150 years, the Fed was created in order to ‘stabilize the value of the dollar,’ and the result has been a 95% devaluation of the dollar in less than 100 years following its creation.”

AMERICAN ROYALTY: A tale of two newspapers. “Glenn Greenwald is right. This nation might as well embrace royalty and be done with it. The only part I don’t get, is how he can get snarky about the fact that Jenna Bush just got a part-time TV gig, without once mentioning the colossal royal funeral we just witnessed or the subsequent succession struggle now starting to play out in the party of the little guy. Kennedy succession tea-leaf reading follows.”


IS “TEABAGGER” THE NEW “N-WORD?” No, but when I hear someone use it, I know that nothing they say on the subject is worth taking seriously. Either they’re deliberately using it as a sexual slur, or they’re too ignorant to be worth listening to.

UPDATE: Okay, there was supposed to be a link in this, but there’s not and now I can’t find the post it was supposed to link to. D’oh.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Ah, here it is.

THINGS YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED THIS WEEKEND: Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter has constituent arrested for disrespect.

Thoughts on the Singularity.

Next California Governor: Tom Campbell?

Poll: 57% would replace entire Congress.

Feds looking forward to de-suburbanizing America?

Dems moving to cover for Charlie Rangel. But their patience is running out.

1,000 show up for Tucson Tea Party town hall meeting.

Heath Shuler says healthcare bill should start over from scratch.

Dog abuse that would chill Michael Vick’s blood. Or William Shatner’s.

Stephen Green visits Bikini Bottom.

MICKEY KAUS: “Is Christopher Hitchens really offering up the most ancient, cliched rationalization of infidelity in defense of his friends, Elizabeth and John Edwards?”

THE LATEST RASMUSSEN RESULTS: “If Barack Obama hoped to gain some breathing room with his vacation, or perhaps even pick up some sympathetic vibe for eulogizing Ted Kennedy on Friday, Rasmussen’s latest poll shows that nothing has changed in the direction of his approval ratings. With one of the three days in Rasmussen’s presidential tracking poll after the wake, Obama has hit his highest level of strong disapproval yet, at 42%. . . . The polling on ObamaCare has frozen at 53%-43% disapproval. That’s unchanged from two weeks ago, which indicates that the big push from unions, AARP, and other advocates in the wake of the town-hall meetings has had little effect. They may have arrested the free-fall, but they’re not changing any minds.”


L.A. FIRES: Jerry Pournelle had to cancel a book-signing. Plus, a threat to Mt. Wilson. Here’s a link to the Mt. Wilson Webcam. And below is what it’s showing at the moment.



I strongly recommend that you promote the hell out of the Shea-Porter video because nothing says ‘you don’t count’ like watching a hale, but older, tax-payer thrown out of a meeting by his elected rep and the cops he pays while a smirking SEIU thug smirks for the camera.

Nice people? Not so much.

Cops and firefighters are being laid-off.

Get your hands off me? Indeed.

Okay, here it is again.