Archive for May, 2009

HSU, HSU, HSUSIE, GOODBYE: Norman Hsu convicted. “Norman Hsu, a former top fund-raiser for the Democratic Party and convicted Ponzi scheme operator, was found guilty Tuesday of illegally funneling tens of thousands of dollars to candidates for federal office by pressuring investors to donate to his favored candidates.”

TOM MAGUIRE: Here we go! “Walter Pincus commences the drumbeat for allowing CIA interrogation techniques beyond those allowed in the Army Field Manual. That is my call for the Obama flip-flop of the summer, so it’s nice to see the CIA Leak Brigade make the expected appearance.”

Remember: Fierce moral urgency!

NICK GILLESPIE: Even Gov. Arnold Won’t Defend His Record/Ballot Initiatives in Today’s Special Election in California! “There’s a big special election today in California, aimed at trying to save the sinking fiscal ship that is the Golden State. O Captain, O Captain, where can you be? Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, rebuffed with extreme prejudice a few years back during a different slate of ballot initiatives, has opted to leave the state for a photo-op with President Barack Obama.”

CHILD SUPPORT and being broke.

THIS DAY IN HISTORY: “23 years ago today, a provision that was slipped into the Firearms Owners Protection Act banned the transfer of new machine guns to civilians.” A day that will live in infamy!

MICKEY KAUS on “Game Changer” dishonesty at the NYT. “I think my friend is right about the culture of the newsroom–about 45 years ago. As for today, I think he’s living in a dreamworld. Even if the Times had published such a story, Times reporters would certainly not have high-fived the colleague who’d cost Obama the election. Not after two terms of Bush. And I have no faith the paper would even have published it (before allowing the reporter to slink out of the building).”


The cancelled conventions and meetings have cost the Las Vegas economy over $100-million, not including gaming revenue.

“I am disappointed at the hypocrisy shown by this Administration,” Gibbons said, “President Obama is coming to Las Vegas later this month for a political fundraiser, but he will not help the struggling families in Las Vegas and Nevada who are out of work because of his reckless comments.” Governor Gibbons noted, “President Obama is coming to Las Vegas to raise campaign cash for Senator Harry Reid, apparently our money is good enough for the President, but our tourism, jobs, and economic future are not.” Gibbons added, “This is politics, pure and simple, President Obama stood for change, but all he has done is brought negative economic change to Nevada.”

Hmm. I wonder how this will impact Harry Reid’s re-election campaign?

STIMULUS! HOUSING STARTS FALL TO RECORD LOWS: “New U.S. housing starts and permits unexpectedly fell to record lows in April, a government report showed on Tuesday, denting hopes that stability in the housing market was imminent. The Commerce Department said housing starts fell 12.8 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 458,000 units, the lowest on records dating back to January 1959, from March’s upwardly revised 525,000 units. . . . New building permits, which give a sense of future home construction, dropped 3.3 percent to 494,000 units, the lowest since records started in January 1960,”