Archive for March, 2009

MEGAN MCARDLE ON THE AUTO BAILOUTS: “The more I read about these plans, the more I wonder what the end game is supposed to be. The administration is acting serious: firing Wagoner, and threatening to cut off funds if Chrysler doesn’t make a deal with Fiat. Then you read the report, and the government’s statements seem . . . kinda silly.”

HOSPI-BLOGGING: The Insta-Mom just got her hip replaced; she’s recovering nicely now. They’re already starting physical therapy, just a few hours after the surgery. Got some posts scheduled; back later.

DANIEL ROTHSCHILD: Whitewashing FDR? “A New Deal apologia arrives just in time for Barack Obama.” How convenient.


Here is where we could use your help. Submit your t-shirt ideas. Send us articles about dumb government. Even send us pictures of you and your neighbors at a tea party, esp. if you are sporting a Simon Jester! We will publish your pictures down there in the gallery, investigate your articles and give our take on them, and some new designs are already in the works. We aim to be a source of information and a rallying point for citizens who love the liberty inherent in all men and codified in our founding documents.

I suspect they’d really appreciate pics of you wearing Simon Jester gear . . . .

RAND SIMBERG: More campus disarmament foolishness. It’s about religion. The “candlelight vigils” against violence, noted in the comments, ought to be a tipoff . . . .

FORTUNE: Chris Dodd’s loyalty test. “The senator, who will play a pivotal role in salvaging the financial system, is, for good or ill, a man of contradictions and compromises. He has written consumer-protection legislation but has also helped himself to enormous campaign contributions from his state’s insurance companies and hedge funds. He’s the longest-serving congressman in Connecticut history, scion of a New England political dynasty, but he’s been losing ground lately and may soon face his toughest campaign since he was first elected to Congress in 1974. He’s an idealist – a former Peace Corps volunteer – but he’s been involved in dubious real estate deals with close pal Edward Downe Jr., an admitted felon, and may have received preferential treatment on his mortgage refinancing from Countrywide’s Angelo Mozilo. He was a prodigal senator for several months, moving his family to Iowa in a quixotic presidential bid, but now has been entrusted to focus on the details of reinventing the U.S. financial system. He is one of the Senate’s masters of procedure, but, man, he sure blew it with the AIG bonus loophole.”

THINGS YOU MIGHT HAVE MISSED THIS WEEKEND if you were off, you know, having a life:

Tea Party Protests in Buffalo and Stamford, CT. (More here.) Plus huge crowds at the signing for Mark Levin’s new book.

Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers.

More on Chris Dodd: Dodd’s Troubles Open Debate on Congress’ Ties With Special Interests. “Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd has become the poster boy for critics who say the inevitable ties between longtime members of Congress and special interests are undermining efforts to revive the economy.”

The most expensive home in America was built by a TV producer, not a Wall Street financier or industrialist. Is there a double standard on wealth?

The Washington Post’s anti-semitic cartoon.

More on booming ammo sales from ESPN.

A coming nuclear renaissance?

And, Print-on-Demand Going Mainstream?