Archive for 2008

MEGAN MCARDLE: “The notion that cheaper food is some sort of a disaster is frankly terrifying. Cheaper food is, literally, the foundation of modern civilization; it is why so many of us can afford to do something besides spend all day seeking sustenance.”

BROTHER, CAN YOU SPARE AN AFGHANI? Thoughts on the elections, the economy, and Afghanistan, from Michael Yon.

A “KATRINA-STYLE” CALIFORNIA EARTHQUAKE DISASTER is overdue. Actually, I’d say a major earthquake in the San Francisco Bay area would be a lot worse than Katrina.

UPDATE: A reader emails:

I analyze disasters for a living, and while your comment about a San Francisco quake being a bigger disaster than Katrina might well be true, I believe of even bigger concern is a Midwest quake.

We know that the San Francisco area can generate quakes around magnitude 8.0. But the region is very active, and building codes and response procedures are well tested; also, quakes in California tend to be
relatively localized.

The New Madrid region, centered around New Madrid, Missouri, has generated some of the largest quakes to hit the U.S. back in 1811 – 1812. Since the region has been so stable in the meantime, building code enforcement is largely unknown, and response procedures are poorly developed and largely untested. In addition, the nature of the area produces much lower rates of attenuation, so the area affected by high severity shaking would be much larger.

I agree. I believe I’ve blogged on that before. As I’ve noted before, the last big New Madrid earthquake actually damaged buildings here in Knoxville, many hundreds of miles away. A reason to take building codes and disaster preparedness more seriously wherever you live.

JERRY POURNELLE: “I am mostly concerned that Obama is exactly who he appears to be.” Plus, video.


Geldof praised the Bush administration for its increased commitment to aid for Africa, “a story that’s not been told.” And he pleaded with the crowd to “tell that story. … You can’t leave it up to a couple of Paddy pop stars to tell it” (the other being Bono).

“It’s no small legacy,” he added, and Bush has “set the bar quite high” for Barack Obama or John McCain.

The press will tell the story eventually. But not until after the election.

LORNE MICHAELS ON Sarah Palin’s SNL appearance. “I think Palin will continue to be underestimated for a while. I watched the way she connected with people, and she’s powerful. Her politics aren’t my politics. But you can see that she’s a very powerful, very disciplined, incredibly gracious woman. This was her first time out and she’s had a huge impact. People connect to her. . . . I think she could have her own show, yeah.”

SUMMER’S REALLY OVER: Picked the very last tomato from the tomato plants grown by the Insta-Wife, and used it in last night’s pasta with tomato, chevre and basil. I think it was the best tomato that plant produced all summer, which is saying something. She’s gotten into the gardening thing, and is planning to do more next year.

JOHN TIERNEY: Should Obama pledge to keep up the nicotine if elected? “As a fellow Nicorette chewer, I wonder if nicotine deserves some of the credit for Mr. Obama’s remarkable serenity and endurance throughout this endless campaign. . . . Do do we really want someone in the White House going through nicotine withdrawal? Would that be riskier than sticking with the Nicorettes?”

MICKEY KAUS: “What was troubling about Biden’s loin-girding gaffe, as Ace of Spades notes, wasn’t the idea that Obama would be tested. It was the notion that we shouldn’t worry because he has Joe Biden as his backup! . . . It’s Obama’s fault. Obama picked him. It was a hack choice with known dangers, which are even now being realized.”

APPLE IS RICH: “When a financial analyst said that Apple currently has enough money in the bank to hire all of the engineers in Silicon Valley for a lifetime, Mr. Jobs responded that the suggestion was a good idea.”

ARE WE OUT OF THE ECONOMIC WOODS? Maybe, maybe not: “From what I have been able to find out, shipping is slowing as fast as it did in the grim months of late 1931.” Hmm.

UPDATE: What Wal-Mart says.