Archive for 2008

REALLY? Propelled by Internet, Barack Obama Wins Presidency. He used the Internet well, but — wait, never mind, It was all the Internet! Especially high priced ads on blogs. Yeah, that’s the key to victory. Future candidates take note!


NEW SIRT1 ACTIVATOR prevents weight gain in mice. It’s likely to have longevity-promoting effects, too.

A SOLAR POWER game-changer?

ADVICE TO REPUBLICANS FROM PETER KIRSANOW: “Senator McCain is an American hero, a remarkable man. I can think of few I respect more. But he’s likely to be the first to be leading the charge toward bipartisanship. This would be a mistake of galactic proportions. This must be resisted. . . . For those inclined to make nice, which of the following Democratic agenda items are you prepared to sign on to so that you’ll get invited to the right parties?”

QUOTE OF the day.

IN THE MAIL: From Eric Flint and Dave Freer, Slow Train to Arcturus. You know, I’ve gotten a lot of novels in the mail in the last two weeks, but I’ve been too busy to read them, what with the election, law review articles, grading, etc. Soon, I hope.


Asheville, North Carolina.

MICKEY KAUS: “I was struck by two lists of virtues used by Obama in his acceptance speech–or rather by two omissions on those lists.”

RUNNING THE NUMBERS: “More generally, the picture is of a solid Democratic win, but not the tsunami some had expected. Obama won the popular vote by a solid, but not crushing, margin of slightly less than six percent (52.4-46.5). Bill Clinton beat Bob Dole by a significantly greater margin and even greater relative percentage (49.25-40.71), and George Bush by a slightly lower margin, but higher relative percentage (43.01-37.45). Bush, meanwhile, beat Dukakis by a larger margin, 53.4 to 45.6. The Democrats picked up about twenty House seats, on the low end of the expected range. And, as noted above, they seem likely to pick up five or six Senate seats,which would make the Senate races either 18-16 in favor of the Democrats, or tied at 17-17, again on the low end of the expected range.”

WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF Rahm Emanuel: Not a done deal yet, but I hardly think he’ll turn it down.

OBAMA DOESN’T SEEM TO HAVE HAD SOCIAL-ISSUE COATTAILS: Florida, California voters approve gay-marriage bans.

Of course, since Obama himself opposes gay marriage on religious grounds, maybe he did. But now they’re even chasing the gay characters off of Grey’s Anatomy! They told me that if . . . . Oh, heck, forget it.

UPDATE: Reader Kevin Maguire writes:

I think Obama’s coattails are what passed those measures.

The black and latino turnout was way up for Obama, and – according to exit polling, anyway – black and Latino voters overwhelmingly voted for the gay marriage bans; the majority of white voters voted against
the props.

I’ve seen many other bloggers wondering how it could be that Obama won, but these propositions failed; it doesn’t seem to occur to them that there are plenty of people voting for Obama who don’t buy into the entire liberal basket of goods.

Myself, I’m wiith you – happily married gay couples with full gun safes IS the American dream. Instead, we’re headed for both parts of that idea being illegal.

Well, there’s a cheery take.

AN INSTA-POLL: Responding to an Obama-Biden victory: The Gately route, the loyal opposition route, or something else?

How will you respond to the Obama-Biden victory?
With celebration of hope and change!
With dignity and a determination to be the loyal opposition.
With Kos-style wild opposition.
With political organizing and an effort to support and identify better candidates.
I plan to drink heavily. free polls

UPDATE: From the comments: “I drink heavily anyway. So much for change.”