Archive for 2008


UPDATE: Wrong crowd. “It is difficult to imagine any other candidate hanging out with such a diverse group of weirdoes and still be[ing] the front-runner for dogcatcher, let alone president.”

ANOTHER UPDATE: Airbrushing is a habit.

TALKLEFT HAS MORE on Obama’s “all-over-the-place” gun stance. Though there’s one place he won’t go, which is to offer an opinion on whether the DC gun ban is unconstitutional.

SO WHEN DOES THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT GET INVOLVED? We’ve already heard that pro-biofuels policies in Europe are a “crime against humanity” according to UN Special Rapporteur for the Right to Food Jean Ziegler.

Now Al Gore’s acting nervous:

Mr. Senauer said climate change advocates, such as Vice President Gore, need to distance themselves from ethanol to avoid tarnishing the effort against global warming. “Crop-based biofuels are not part of the solution. They, in fact, add to the problem. Whether Al Gore has caught up with that, somebody ought to ask him,” the professor said. “There are lots of solutions, real solutions to climate change. We need to get to those.”

Mr. Gore was not available for an interview yesterday on the food crisis, according to his spokeswoman. A spokesman for Mr. Gore’s public campaign to address climate change, the Alliance for Climate Protection, declined to comment for this article.

First they came for John Yoo, but Al Gore said nothing because Al Gore was not a law professor. Then they came for Al Gore . . . .

Regardless, Al can’t escape his past.

UPDATE: Calling for a posse!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Heightening the contradictions.

MORE: Reader Scott Cram sends this original limerick:

There once was a man named Gore,
who thought he had a climate change cure,
then things like grain and rice,
went far up in price,
now he’s to blame for starving the poor!

Happily, this is one limerick in which the island of Nantucket does not appear.

STILL MORE: In response to an irate email from Clark Stooksbury, let me be clear (or maybe I should say clearer since I thought it was pretty obvious) that the above is tongue-in-cheek, a mockery of certain lefties’ overuse of terms like “crimes against humanity” and their eagerness to resort to international law against people they dislike for political reasons.

It’s also worth noting that Al Gore — now that he’s no longer running for anything — has in fact distinguished between food-based ethanol and ethanol from more practical sources like waste biomass.

STILL MORE ON CONGRESSIONAL BLUENOSE STUPIDITY, from The Mudville Gazette. So Maxim is too dirty for our troops?

I’M WATCHING A KUDLOW DISCUSSION OF ETHANOL and I think that most of the panelists — except for Frank Gaffney — are bashing ethanol rather uncritically. The problem with ethanol is a government-subsidy problem, and a trade-barrier problem. It’s not a problem with ethanol itself. Make it out of something other than food, and lower the barrier to Brazilian ethanol imports, and it would help our current situation a lot. We’re not doing that because of farm-subsidy politics. The problem is, basically, the Iowa caucuses and the pandering that results. But simply bashing all biofuels uncritically is dumb.

UPDATE: On the other hand, the new farm bill demonstrates that Congress is dumber:

We have a program that makes us overpay for sugar, and now we’re going to start a new program to subsidize the ethanol we create from it — because without the subsidy, the inflated sugar price we’ve created will make the ethanol unprofitable.

Upside: Everybody involved has an incentive to pay off some Senators.

MARKETS WORK. GO FIGURE: “Businessweek reports that Americans appear to be burning less gasoline as a result of driving less.”


RACHEL LUCAS WEIGHS IN on prissy bluenose Congressman Paul Broun. “Wanna know what I think, as a bona fide military girlfriend? I think they should have porn in the PX, especially if all we’re talking about is Playboy and Penthouse. Men need to see naked women, and these men happen to be spending months at a time in forced celibacy, and if they want to look at a pretty girl’s boobies and release some of that, uhhh, energy, more power to ‘em.”

DON’T DAMAGE ITS fragile metal ego: “If you are a piece of steel, I implore you not to watch the YouTube clip. If you are in the room with a piece of steel, divert its attention, send it out of the room for ice cream, do what you can to insure it doesn’t see this. The clip shows a steel bar being turned down like it was soft butter being cut by a hot knife. It is humilating if you’re a piece of steel. It makes you look like a piece of free-machining aluminum.”

BLUENOSES IN CONGRESS are taken to task by Patrick Lasswell. But if the availability of Playboy and Penthouse on base is our biggest military worry, then Congress can just go home. Things are going well.

“MOCKING HILLARY IS NOT SEXIST.” Sure it is. Just ask Media Matters. And mocking Obama is always racist, no matter how mockable he may be. Just ask his campaign.

UPDATE: Related thoughts from Rick Moran.