Archive for 2008

A PROGRESS REPORT on SpaceX’s Falcon 9, with photos.

“WE ARE SO VULNERABLE, to so many things.” Plus, some thoughts on responding.

MICKEY KAUS: “One seemingly sure sign Obama is actually, really not going left, at least on economic policy.”

A BUNCH OF steep after-Christmas markdowns on men’s and women’s clothes. Nothing says “recession” like $80 leather jackets.

UPDATE: Reader Darren Miller emails:

There’s a chain of stores called Leatherworks–I’ve seen them in Virginia City and Reno, Nevada, and Old Sacramento, CA–in which *everything* in the store is $20 or under. Leather jackets, “chaps”, laptop cases, briefcases, you name it.

Don’t trust those discounted chaps. They don’t hold up under hard use.

STUFF I THOUGHT EVERYBODY KNEW: “Just because your car has been repossessed doesn’t mean you don’t still owe the bank money on it.”

ADVICE ON toy storage.

BY CONTRAST, I’m sure Richard Cohen makes a point of seeking out people who write that he’s an idiot . . . .

JOHN TIERNEY: “If I’m serious about keeping my New Year’s resolutions in 2009, should I add another one? Should the to-do list include, ‘Start going to church’?”

FEASTS AND FAMINES for farmers. “The chance of red ink returning to the Farm Belt is prompting rural bankers to tighten their lending standards, which could force farmers to draw down their savings in order to stay in business. Bankers already expect some of their most indebted farmers to get out of the business next year.”