Archive for 2008
December 5, 2008
FRAT BOYS for Obama.
IN CALIFORNIA, A MOVE TO freeze the salaries of high-paid state employees. I suspect we’ll see more stuff like this.
NEW RULES ALLOWING firearms possession in national parks. Another small, but real, step for civil rights.
BRUCE BARTLETT: What would Keynes do?
MORE RECOMMENDATIONS: The hottest toys in the “big present” category.
2008 TO BE coolest year of the decade. I believe it. I’ve been diving in a hood.
THEY SPENT LIKE THERE WAS NO TOMORROW, BUT NOW IT’S TOMORROW; California may be out of cash in February.
ARE WE MORE OR LESS FREE than 40 years ago?
SAM VENABLE on the latest news involving gastrotransmitters.
IF YOU’RE A STUDENT WITH A BLOG, don’t miss the A.F.F. College Blogger Contest.
MEGAN MCARDLE ON strange new respect for Smoot-Hawley. “That it is stupid, does not mean that the government will not do it.”
HEH: “When the conspiracy theorists were calling Obama some kind of ‘Manchurian candidate’ they never considered he would not be one for Al Queda or the Red Brigades, but instead, the Club for Growth.”
AN ENTIRE BLOG devoted to TV Anchorbabes.
IN THE MAIL: Norah Vincent’s Voluntary Madness: My Year Lost and Found in the Loony Bin. Long-time InstaPundit readers may recall that Vincent spent a year living as a man for her book Self-Made Man: One Woman’s Year Disguised as a Man. The book was terrific — our interview with Vincent about that is here — but apparently living as a man was stressful enough to induce a nervous breakdown. I can understand that . . . .
SOME OUTDOOR TIPS FOR garden and yard tools.
A WEBSITE DEVOTED TO nanomedicine.
GOT AN UNPUBLISHED NOVEL? Check out Amazon’s Breakthrough Novel Award.
EUGENE VOLOKH will debate gun policy in West L.A. this afternoon.
GIANT CAMERA tracks asteroids.